Monday, November 28, 2011

S3: Left Behind

I loved Kate the first time through, but her and her flashback episodes are disappointing.  She wishes to know why her mom turned her in and she risks everything to get the answer.  Well why doesn't she just call?  I guess that's not an option and Kate gets help from the woman Sawyer conned and impregnated.  Kate eventually gets her answer - Kate's mom loved the man and she didn't agree with Kate's murder of him.  Well, that's a relief!  Lost writers answering those burning questions one by one!

Back on the island, Kate is handcuffed to Juliet and we learn that Jack and Sayid were also left behind at the Barracks while all the Others left without a trace or trail.  Juliet used the handcuffs to grow closer to Kate and only unlocked them to turn the sonic fence on and be safe from the Smoke Monster.  I feel that we're going to have the whole gang reunite very soon save for Locke who is with the Others now.

On the beach Hugo convinces Sawyer to be nice to be the new leader since they all look to Sawyer in a time of crisis.  Sawyer doesn't want the job, but he looks around at all the people he made happy.  If Jack's heading back to the beach, then I'm sure this will be short lived moment for Sawyer.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

S3: Exposé

This episode has gotten a lot of flack in the past because the writers take a "break" from telling us anything new and focus on two VERY minor characters that have nothing to do with the overall story.  I heard that they wanted to show the audience that they can take anything and incorporate it into the story.  And despite that the story is meaningless in the grand scheme of things, the writers do a great job and I was actually entertained upon second viewing of this episode.

It was great seeing and reliving moments like the crash, Jack's live together - die alone speech, and seeing dead characters - alive again - like Boone, Shannon and Arzt.  These scenes made the episode enjoyable plus Nikki isn't bad on the eyes either.  The ongoing joke of Sawyer's "Who's Nikki?"  or "Who's Paulo?" didn't stop being funny at all.

The writers did decide to sneak one thing in - Charlie came clean about kidnapping Sun pretending to be the Others to get back at Locke.  Not sure how she retaliated towards Charlie besides walking away, but she smacked Sawyer for giving Charlie the idea and told him that she wasn't going to tell her husband because she wouldn't want to have another funeral.

In the end it was great that Nikki and Paulo only paralyzed each other with the Medusa spider and the Losties ending up burying them alive.  It was a very fitting end to two characters that added nothing to the show and thankfully I don't think the writers pull this stunt again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

S3: The Man from Tallahassee

Our first time at the Barracks is spent in the shade of darkness which is fitting since the overall theme of the episode was a very dark one.  Locke gets it in his head that he must blow up the submarine that the Others use to come and go off the island.  It's ironic that he blows it up moments before Jack and Juliet were going to leave the island on it.

Off island, Locke interacts with his father and we learn how Locke ends up in his wheelchair - by being thrown 8 stories out of a window by his father.  Devastated and crushed, Locke not only has lost a kidney but now has lost the use of his legs thanks to his father.

The icing on the cake of the episode is that Locke' father, the Man from Tallahassee, is somehow brought or finds his way onto the island before the screen goes to black.

S3: Par Avion

This Claire focused episode reminds us that there are some people still trying to get off the island this season while others are lost (no pun intended) in the mysteries of the island. 

Claire gets an idea to tie a note to a tagged seagull and hope that whomever did the tagging finds the note and will, in turn, find the Losties.  It's finally revealed to Claire by Desmond that if Charlie would have helped, he would have slipped on the rocks and died.  This marks the third time that Desmond has saved Charlie from his seemingly unescapable death.  Off island we learn that Claire's mother is in a coma and Christian, Jack's father, is also her father.

Speaking of Jack, the group that is looking for him finally finds him...tossing around the old pigskin with his captors.  The look of confusion on Kate (Locke, Sayid) is priceless.

Friday, October 21, 2011

S3: Enter 77

On island, the Losties are separated in two groups currently - the "beach group" and the "hunting for Jack group" which is comprised of Locke, Kate, Sayid and Rousseau.  The "beach group" are having fun with ping pong and Sawyer while the "hunting for Jack group" come upon the Dharma station "The Flame".  Inside they meet the man with the eye patch seen briefly on screen at "The Pearl" in an earlier episode.  After some conflict, we learn from Mikhail, the man with the eye patch, that "The Flame" is the communication station for the island, but the satellite doesn't work and hasn't worked for quite some time (he could be lying).  Also we hear from Mikhail that there was a "Purge" between the Dharma Initiative and the Hostiles, the Hostiles being the group of people that have been on the island for a "very long" time before the Dharma Initiative got there.  (This is probably the first time the word "Hostiles" is used and separates the "Others" into two groups.)
While Sayid is shot and not having a good day on island against Mikhail, flash backs are shown where Sayid spent some time in Paris after his service in the Republican Guard.  A woman he tortured recognized him and in turn, her husband decides to torture Sayid.  Later on, the woman sympathizes with Sayid, Sayid admits his guilt and will eventually be released.


Mikhail's cat's name is Nadia. 
Hurley schools Sawyer in ping pong and thankfully we don't have to watch the entire match.
Rousseau leaves the Losties temporary stating that she has survived as long as she has by avoiding situations such as these.
Not really a highlight, but we see Bea, the black woman that held Walt get shot and killed per her instructions by Mikhail.
The cat, Nadia, staring at Sayid as they leave "The Flame" tying it back the story about the cat and the woman he tortured while serving in the Republican Guard.

Friday, September 30, 2011

S3: Tricia Tanaka Is Dead

This Hugo-centric episode gives us a message of hope.  Hugo finds a VW bus in the jungle and decides to get it working because he feels he could really use a win after all the bad things that have happened on the island.  Hugo is successful in doing so with a little help from Jin and Sawyer and it's a small victory in the grand scheme of things.

Pre-island, Hugo's dad leaves him and his mom to come back 17 years later.  He tries to rekindle his relationship with Hugo, but because of his belief in the numbers being cursed, it falls on deaf ears.  A news reporter, Trica Tanaka is an unlucky victim of the curse while doing a puff piece about Hugo buying the Mr. Cluck franchise.  Hugo decides to seek answers in Australia and his father told him he would be there when he got back.  Unfortunately, Hugo doesn't make it back from a long time.

Note:  This is the first appearance, I believe, of Roger, a Dharma Work Man aka janitor, who later turns out to be Ben's father.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

S3: Stranger in a Strange Land

"He walks among us, but he is not one of us."

Jack spends some time abroad and gets himself a tattoo that he should not have gotten from a woman who claims to see who he really is.  What does his tattoo really mean?  Is Jack from another planet?  Is this another thing to make the viewer guess and form theories on what the tattoo artist really saw.  Did the tattoo artist see anything?

I'm not sure where this episode falls in the timeline, but if I had to guess, Jack left the country sometime after his divorce.  It's hard to keep track at this point since we are getting the pieces out of order, but as they pertain to what is happening on the island.

Jack decides to help Ben who stitches are infected which is turns help Juliet from being executed for killing Pickett who was going to shoot Sawyer and Kate.  In the end, Jack's plan works and they all leave the island and go back "Home", but where is home?  Could it be where they were when they saw the plane crash?  Could be.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

S3: Flashes Before Your Eyes

During last season's finale, we got some information concerning how Desmond got to the island.  Now, we get to see Desmond's life before that and seeing what moves him on his course.  What is unique about Desmond's experience is that he appears to get a second chance at things and makes the same mistakes.

After turning the fail safe key at the Hatch, Desmond have been seeing flashes of a possible future where Charlie's life is put in danger and results in his death.  Desmond built a lightning rod and saved Claire from drowning to prevent Charlie's inevitable death twice.

Overall, Desmond episodes are great and his love story with Penny are inspiring.  He is one of the few characters on Lost that are part of the group, but at the same time, outside of the group which provides the writers some neat opportunities to expand the plot.  His ability to survive electromagnetic anomalies will be key in the future.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

S3: Not in Portland

Everybody gets what they want in this episode.

Jack gets to fix Ben like he wanted and Kate and Sawyer go free.  Juliet wants to go home after being on the island for three years, and Ben says he will let her go home for helping Jack.  Pickett is killed and even though he probably didn't want to die, he gets to be with his recently dead wife, if you believe in that sort of thing.  Alex gets to free her boyfriend Karl, unfortunately Juliet does let her go off the one island with Kate and Sawyer.

This is Juliet's first flashback episode and we learn she's some sort of scientist that deals a lot with pregnancy and research.  Her sister who looks like a cancer patient, is pregnant thanks to Juliet's research and tests with an experimental drug.  Mr. Alpert, our first introduction to this character, wants her to come to Portland.  But he later reveals that his company isn't exactly in Portland.

So let's put the pieces together for a minute.  The Other's captured Claire at one point who was pregnant.  The took all the kids from the tail section and they took Walt, so they are interested in children.  And now thanks to showing Ethan being connected to Mr. Alpert, we see that they are recruiting a pregnancy specialist of some sort.  So thinking about the big picture, there must be something going on concerning the island where having babies is involved and it's all getting hinted at in small doses.  We'll see how plot element plays out while this show continues to enrich the characters.  Great scene between Jack and Kate hearkening back to the first episode when Kate stitches up Jack.  I liked the music that played when Kate and Sawyer paddled away, the same tune that plays over and over again when a touching moment is happening, but unfortunately without Jack escaping with them the victory felt incomplete.  I guess we'll see what happens next time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

S3: I Do

In a bizarre twist of events, we get a Kate flashback episode where she appears to have settled down.  But Edward, the Marshall that had Kate on the plane, told her that he would stop chasing her when she stopped running.  But we all know that Kate is a runner, and after all is said and done, she's isn't the settling down type.  She's not doing taco night, she's not having a baby, she's just plain done sticking around with her husband Kevin.  She loves him, but she leaves him.

On island, Kate tries to convince Jack to do the surgery to save Sawyer's life.  Jack refuses.  Hours later, Jack is let out of his cell and happens upon the room where Ben watches the monitors and sees Kate and Sawyer awfully cozy.  Jack decides to do the surgery, but he has a plan of his own.  In surgery he cuts Ben's kidney to allow Kate and Sawyer an hour to escape.  Jack and Kate argue and he yells run as the screen goes black.

On the other side of the island, the group that went out to the The Pearl buries Mr. Eko out there and they use his prayer stick as his headstone.  Locke sees a verse that Mr. Eko carved by John saying to look North.  So things are set in motion with Locke and we'll see how that plays out in the coming weeks.

It's funny that the previous episode was 3/4 on the main island and 1/4 on the Other's island and this episode was the other way around.  I'd be interested to see if these episodes were written together and then split apart since they seem almost like brother and sister.

S3: The Cost of Living

Mr. Eko and the Smoke Monster duke it out in this episode.  Unfortunately, for Mr. Eko, the Smoke Monster wins.

A recovering Eko who was attacked by a bear has visions of his brother and heads to the plane where his body was buried/burned.  Locke, who had a plan to use the computer at The Pearl in an attempt to contact another Dharma station, turned out to be heading to the same location as Mr. Eko.

Eventually all converge on the same location.  Locke, Sayid, Desmond, Nikki and Paulo contact a station where a man with an eye patch shuts off the camera, while above Mr. Eko meets his demise.  I don't know if the Smoke Monster is testing him to see how easily he can be manipulated, but Mr. Eko does not apologize or ask for forgiveness and suffers the consequences almost if the Smoke Monster was the final judge and jury.  It was sad to see him go and it just felt too soon.  Mr. Eko's final words to Locke:  "You're next."

On the other side of the island, nothing much is happening that I can recall.  Ben asks Jack to the do the surgery and Juliet reveals her intentions that she wants Jack to not fix Ben and have something go wrong in the surgery.  So there are a lot of story-lines being set up that will hopefully lead to some exciting conclusion.

Monday, August 15, 2011

S3: Every Man for Himself

The con man gets conned in this episode.  Ben sees that Sawyer is not just a thief - he's a smart thief, a sentiment which is echoed in a flashback while Sawyer is serving time.  So Ben decides to earn Sawyer's respect.

When a failed escape attempt by Sawyer is foiled by the smarter Ben, he knocks Sawyer out and makes him believe that they put a pacemaker inside of him set to go off if his beats per second gets too high.  Ben later reveals his con and shows that escape is futile since they are on another island about twice the size of Alcatraz.

Back on the other island, Desmond is shown to have some sort of ability to see the future.  He builds a lightning rod and saves Claire, Charlie and the baby from a lightning strike.  His new found ability to see the future was hinted at when Locke gave his big speech about finding the others.  At the time of this episode, it's unclear where Locke is.

Other reveals of note:  Sawyer has a daughter who he made a savings account for her when he got compensated for helping in a police investigation by playing informant while incarcerated.  Jack happens to see x-rays of a 40 year old man's back who has a tumor and asks Juliet who he's there to save.  Of course, she never answers him, and we are left to wonder until next time. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

S3: Further Instructions

Last, and certainly not least, we get to see what happened to the group in the hatch.  Charlie escaped fine and was hanging out on the beach like he had no care in the world.  Sure, he hated Locke and wasn't a big Mr. Eko fan at the moment, but still, you would think that he'd go looking for them.  Claire had some ambition that rose to the surface and then quickly went away.  Oh well, she's got a baby that requires attention.

Thankfully, we find out that Locke is bloody but all right.  He gets further instruction from the island by using a sweat hut.  Boone guest stars to tell Locke he needs to clean up his mess.  Locke finds Mr. Eko who was dragged off by a polar bear which seems very "Star Wars Wampa/Luke" esque.  Locke and Charlie bring Eko back to camp.  Locke gives a speech that they are going to find their friends.

Earlier, Hurley returns to finds Desmond who survived the implosion of the hatch, but is stark naked.  He talks of the speech that Locke didn't give until later.  There's something special about that Desmond character!  :)

Overall, the episode I was waiting for the most was probably the most disappointing of the three, probably because the other two filled in some back story about the Others.  This episode had no Others and was another sad/pathetic flashback story of Locke getting taken advance of, yet again.  I had forgot he lived in a hippie commune so it kept my interest but it just reaffirmed that Locke is very easily manipulated and "amenable to coercion", which come to think of it, will make more sense later on in this season or next if I'm remembering correctly.

S3: The Glass Ballerina

The first episode of the Season 3 showed us what happened to the main group.  Now we get to see what happened to the boat group.  Well Sayid in his infinite wisdom, continues to sail against Jin's instructions and they come upon a dock.  Sayid lies about it being abandoned and decides to set a trap for the Others.  Unfortunately, the Others steal the boat and Sun barely escapes after shooting one of the Others.

Flashbacks take us back to Sun breaking a glass ballerina as a child and lying about it.  We also learn that she did sleep with the man teaching her English and is caught by her father who instructs Jin to regain his family's honor.  Jin is only told that he dishonored Sun's father; he doesn't know that the man slept with his wife.  Jin beats the hell out of the man and lets him live but tells him to leave the country and never come back.  A few moments later the man jumps out of the building, killing himself while holding a gift that he attempted to give Sun. I guess he couldn't live without her and the shame.

Overall, it was nice to see what happened with Sayid, Jin and Sun, but I don't really get the glass ballerina reference.  The only thing that I can come up with is that Sun isn't as pure as one may have initially thought.  We thought she wanted to get away from her asshole husband, but it's apparent that she's no innocent either.

It  is unfortunate that they lost the boat.  It would have been neat to drive home the point that they are really stuck on the island if they attempted to leave.  Plus maybe they could have wrote some adventures that took place without them walking all the time.  Oh well, the gang begins their LONG walk back to the beach where everyone else.  We'll see how many episodes it takes for them to get back.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

S3: A Tale of Two Cities

The first episode of Season 3 doesn't pull any punches.  We forget all about the hatch when we are reminded, within the first five minutes, of the very first episode of LOST from the perspective of the Others.  It's a great but tragic shot of Oceanic Flight 815 breaking into pieces in the sky, but fantastic how fast Ben reacts and assigns Goodwin and Ethan their tasks.

This episode is a "Jack" episode and we are shown that he can't let go of his ex-wife and allow her a divorce.  His father tries to help him, but Jack doesn't listen and ends up attacking him and consequently Jack is arrested.  Sarah, Jack's soon to be ex-wife, posts his bail and tells him to not worry about who they were, but who they are now, a sentiment echoed by the new Other we meet for the first time in this episode, Juliet.

Juliet seems to be giving Jack some special treatment per Ben's orders.  Also, for some weird reason, Ben allows Kate some sense of "normalcy" before telling her that she will enduring two weeks of hell.  Meanwhile, Sawyer is stuck in a bear cage.  I was right there cheering with him when he figured out how to not get shocked by the machine in his cage and receive a reward.  Tom's response that it only took the bears two hours to figure it out and Sawyer's questioning of how many bears it took was some much appreciated humor to a very serious episode.  Great start to Season 3!

Monday, August 8, 2011

S2: Live Together, Die Alone: Part 2

As the boat group converges on the Other's location, it is found deserted.  Michael is not taking the main group back to where he was held, but some place else.  Just as the main group realizes this, the Others attack with stun guns.  Stun guns, fake beards, theatrics, boats, guns, cunning, who are these people?  Michael asks this question and Ben answers, "We're the good guys."  Yeah, sure they are.  If you have to say you're the good guys, you're probably not, which is a contest theme through Lost.  The Others let Hurley go to deliver a message to the rest of Losties back at the beach to not venture out that far.  Michael leaves the island with Walt on the boat as Jack, Kate and Sawyer watch.

Meanwhile, back at the Hatch, Charlie and Mr. Eko are trying to get into the blast doors with the extra dynamite from the Black Rock and end up hurting themselves more than anything.  In flashbacks we are shown more of the hatch, Kelvin using bleach to paint the map of the Dharma stations on the back of the blast doors, a task that began with Radzinsky, who blew his head off with a shotgun at some point while working there with Kelvin.  We also learn that Kelvin has been fixing up Desmond's boat and is one week away from leaving the island, but Desmond realizes that Kelvin's hazmat suit is torn and there isn't any danger outside so he follows him only to end up accidentally killing him.  Desmond rushes back to push the button to stop a "System Failure".  Thanks to the paperwork at the Pearl monitoring station, Desmond realizes that he may have crashed the Oceanic flight.

Locke, determined not to press the button, smashes the computer and allows the timer to go past zero and shit really hits the fan.  The electromagnetic properties of the area need to be discharged every 108 minutes and without discharge, all the metal starts to converge on one location, and ends up imploding the metal timer.  Desmond scrambles to get the fail safe key and find a letter from Penny he never received.  The last thought in his mind was of her as he professes his love and turns the key.  A bright white light is seen and a loud noise comes from the island as it shakes and the sky turns violet in color.

After the flash, everyone appears to be all right on the island.  Charlie appears, but Mr. Eko, Locke and Desmond are not shown.  Thier fate, and the fate of Jack, Kate, and Sawyer will be shown, hopefully in the first episode of Season 3.

Note:  Thanks to the turn of the fail safe key, the electromagnetic anomaly is detected by men hired by Penny.  Dun dun dun!  :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

S2: Live Together, Die Alone: Part 1

As it was in the last season finale, so it is again in the 2nd season finale:  the Losties are split into 3 groups.  The main group (consisting of Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer) are on their way to the Other's camp with Michael.  The 2nd group (Sayid, Jin, and Sun) are on Desmond's boat to the same location to plan a surprise because the main group are walking into a trap.  The third group (Locke, Desmond, Mr. Eko, and Charlie) are having a disagreement on whether the button in the hatch should be pushed or not.  Since this is part one of two, all the pieces are put into place and the results will be shown next time.

This episode gives us flash backs of Desmond's life before the island and on the island before the Losties got there.  Widmore and Penny are introduced.  Libby shows up unexpectedly and gives Desmond a boat.  And we find out that Desmond's partner was Kelvin, the same American soldier that worked with Sayid back in Desert Storm.

Overall, there is so much going on, and so much information is shared that it's shaping up to be a pretty interesting finale.  Oh, and the most interesting "character" was introduced in this episode:  the four toed statue.  Also, what did one snowman say to the other?  Smells like carrots!  Remember that.  :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

S2: Three Minutes

In this episode, I don't recall any off island flash backs, but we were shown what was happening with Michael two weeks before he came back.  It put together the pieces that his obvious motivation was to save his son.  He was given a list of people to bring back and after some work, Michael finally has the four people he needs, but Sayid believes something fishy is up.

The Losties bury Ana Lucia and Libby, Locke takes off alone into the jungle, Mr. Eko takes over pushing the button, and Charlie attempts to finish the church by himself as he finally disposes of the heroin.  During the burial a boat appears!  Is it rescue?  Spoiler alert!  It's Desmond!

Overall, this episode doesn't feel like it, but it's actually the first episode before the finale.  Everyone is put in place like chess pieces.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out because I don't remember all the events fully.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

S2: ?

Locke and Mr. Eko find the question mark location on the map that was drawn on the hatch door.  Inside was the Pearl Dharma station, a station were a person monitored the other stations or maybe just the Swan.  I don't remember exactly, but the point that was made was that the button was an experiment, rats in a maze with no cheese as Locke put it, deteriorating his faith even further in the button.  Thankfully, this trip renewed Mr. Eko's faith and he would push the button if John wouldn't.

Pre-island we see Mr. Eko taking on his role of priest very seriously, but at the same time getting some illegal documents to get to the states.  I don't know why he wanted to go to America, but who doesn't right?  Anyway, before leaving Mr. Eko meets the physic that Claire met and it was pretty much confirmed that he was a fraud.  Also before getting on the flight, the psychic's daughter confirmed that Mr. Eko would be seeing his brother again.

Overall, I forgot about this episode and even though it centered on a non main character, I enjoyed it.  With only a few more episodes left until the finale, I'm anticipating the future and I'm pleasantly surprised when I've anticipated incorrectly.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

S2: Two for the Road

Yay, Michael is back!  Yay, Michael is awake!  Yay, Michael knows where the Others are!  Yay, Michael shots and kills Ana Lucia and Libby?!?  Wait, what?

In Ana Lucia's second and final flash back episode, we get to see her and Christian hanging out together and we get to learn a little more about Christian.  Since he's dead, the only way to learn more about him is his interactions with other characters.  And JUST when we start liking Ana Lucia again, boom, dead.

Oh Libby, we hardly knew ye, it was nice knowing ya!  See ya later when you're selling Desmond a boat, maybe, for no reason whatsoever except to drive the fan boys crazy?  Good job writers!

Monday, August 1, 2011

S2: S.O.S.

S.O.S. - Save Our Show, I kid, but on second watch the second season has had some good moments but is no where near the quality of the first season.  The writers did a great job in the first season building up the hatch and Locke's involvement and now, thanks to Ben planting the seed of doubt in Locke's head, Locke is done with the hatch.  He's lost his faith and he's chasing the image revealed to him in "Lockdown" when the black light came on in the hatch.  His journey didn't end at the hatch like he thought, but continues on, he just didn't know it.

At the center of this episode were Rose and Bernard.  Bernard takes a dying Rose to be healed by some healer in Australia who can't heal her because it's not the right energy.  She then reveals that the island healed her and she knows that the island has healed others as well, i.e. Locke who she saw in a wheelchair before boarding the flight.

Overall, this was another lack luster episode that tried to have a touching moment at the end showing all the couples together.  Michael has returned in the final moment of the episode to move the story along.  There are only 5 more episodes left and I'm definitely looking forward to putting Season 2 behind me and moving onto Season 3.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

S2: Dave

It's Hurley's turn to hallucinate.  Kate, Jack, Charlie and Locke have had their turn at some point and in this episode Hurley sees his friend Dave that he created while he was committed pre island.  Dave convinces him that the island is not real and he's dreaming it all.  To wake from the dream, Dave tells him to jump from a cliff.  Thankfully Libby shows up in time to disprove Dave and stop Hurley from jumping.

I think this episode was created to show that Lost isn't someone's dream, but it's actually happening.  I'm sure it quelled a lot of concerns for fans, but still teased them by showing that Libby was also a mental patient at one point.

Overall, Hurley episodes are usually pretty interesting, but this one was a little lack luster.  Like how the last episode humanized Locke, this episode humanized Hurley showing that he feels responsible for killing two people pre island, dealing with that fact, and moving on from it...which is a common theme in Lost.

S2: Lockdown

Locke loses the woman he loves thanks to wanting/needing his father's love.  He almost lost her once and it appears that he lost her for good.  He proposes and she just leaves.

On island, the hatch goes into an apparent lockdown. The big reveal is that near the end of the lockdown a black light comes on to reveal a map of all the Dharma stations, that and it's revealed that Henry isn't who he says he is.

Overall, Locke centered episodes rarely disappoint but this one was just ok.  Locke is shown making bad decisions like the rest of us so maybe this episode was meant to humanize him more, I'm not sure.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

S2: The Whole Truth

This episode was pretty lack luster, but at least it finally confirmed what everyone assumed was that Sun is pregnant.  Off island Jin and Sun are told that they can't have children.  Some how, on the island, Sun is pregnant.  It's celebrated through tears of trepidation and joy between Jin and Sun, and you can tell that there is still more to this story that we've been given thus far.

Elsewhere, the Ben aka Henry problem still exists and Ana Lucia is tapped by Locke to help.  Henry draws her a map to the balloon so she, Sayid and Charlie follow it to find it.  Do they find it?  Not sure yet.  Jack let's Henry eat breakfast cereal with them outside of his holding cell where Henry lets slip that he drew her a map.  Jack and Locke are totally shocked.  And again, Ben aka Henry tops the episode with his final lines saying IF he was one of them he probably would have set a trap for them and then the Others would traded them for him.  He laughs and says that it's a good thing he's not one of them.  And then casually, without skipping a beat asks if there is any milk for the cereal.

Note:  I liked that the pregnancy test was made by "Widmore Labs".  Something only a fan would catch on a second watch.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

S2: Maternity Leave

Claire finally puts together the pieces of her memory that she was blocked out when she went missing.  She was drugged the whole time by Ethan and escapes with the help of a mysterious teenage girl who we later find out is Alex, Rousseau's daughter that was stolen from her many years ago.

There weren't any off island flashbacks, just flashes to previous events in Claire's life on island during her capture.  None of it was particularly interesting.  Also speaking of uninteresting, Eko finds out about Henry in the hatch and apologizes to him for killing the men that tired kidnapping him.  Thanks Eko for not advancing the plot what-so-ever.

The best part of the episode was the end, when we see the first time Henry (Ben) gets inside Locke's head and begins to manipulate him.  Ben is a smart man and he can see that Locke wants answers and he has just enough to string him along for quite awhile.

Note:  Tonight was episode 40 of 120 marking the one-third of the way point through the series!

Monday, July 25, 2011

LOST SDCC 2011 Deleted Scene

Lost fans got a treat this year at the 2011 San Diego Comic Con!  This clip is hilarious and a must see for any Lost fan!  Enjoy!

S2: One of Them

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached the first episode with Ben Linus, but he's not Ben Linus yet.  He's playing the part of Henry Gale, a hot air balloon pilot who crashed on the island with his wife.

I remember when I first watched this episode part of me really believe Henry's story because of the great detail he answered Sayid's questions, but there was something about him that didn't make me totally sure.  There was a great scene between Sayid and Henry when he asked him how many shovel fulls of each he scooped up when burying the woman he loved.  Very powerful scene since you could recall and see in Sayid's eyes that he was thinking about Shannon.

We get to see how Sayid became the man that he is today and how that he battles within himself and hates himself for the things that he's done in the past.  There is a battle between good and evil within him and sometimes the evil really shows through which is hard because deep down he is a really good person and will some day die a martyr.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

S2: The Long Con

Sawyer is healed from his raft injuries.  While he was away on the raft, all his stuff was taken for the good of the camp and he's mad.  He pulls a long con on Jack, Locke and Kate where he gets his hands on the guns.  He gets some help from Charlie who wanted to humiliate Locke who humiliated him concerning Aaron.

We see pre island that Sawyer has had the experience before with the long con.  He spends 6 months with a girl teaching her how to con, all the while, secretly knowing about her $600,000 that she had hidden.  It appears that he has a sudden attack of conscience, but takes her money anyway.  Sawyer admits to himself and to Kate that he is a con man.  He cons.  A tiger doesn't change his stripes.  Great episode.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

S2: Fire + Water

This episode is probably the most bizarre thus far and that's saying a lot about a show that has a smoke monster running through the jungle.  Charlie was dreaming while he was awake and sleep walking with the baby.  His dreams were telling him that the baby was in trouble and needed to be baptized.  He even went as far to set a fire to try and achieve his goals.  In the end, he makes things worse between him, Claire, Locke and pretty much everyone else, but at least the baby and Claire get baptized by Eko.

S2: The Hunting Party

Last time we got a Jack flashback episode he fixed his future wife's back.  Now we move forward in his timeline to see that he's working long hours, not being there for his wife, and he ends up losing her.  He also loses a patient.  Jack is not having a good day pre island and when we flash to the island he's not having any luck there either.

Michael has run off and Jack needs to fix the situation; he always needs something to fix something, that's his character, for better and for worse.  He, Locke and Sawyer don't find Michael, but the Others find him.  They tell him that this is their island and they better behave themselves if they want to continue to live on it.

Overall, I enjoyed getting more island lore, but it sucks to see Jack sad because when Jack is sad, I find that I'm sad.  When Jack is happy, I'm happy.  You invest so much time and energy into the story and the characters that it effects you personally and anyone that says different is either lying or not really paying attention.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

S2: The 23rd Psalm

New character Mr. Eko gets a flashback episode.  This episode answers the questions of the origin of the plane, the priests and the Mary statues filled with heroin.  It appears that Charlie is not using but for some reason he's got a hidden stash.

The highlight of this episode was probably the amount of screen time that the smoke monster got.  It appeared to scan Mr. Eko and then take off.  It's really weird how we see little pieces of smoke traveling through the jungle and then it gets angry and "grows" a lot bigger.  Excluding the hatch, it's the biggest mystery and I really seeing it when it shows up but at the same time frustrating because it's a reminder of something that doesn't get some answers in the last season.

Plot device of note:  Michael is using the hatch computer to talk to Walt, or at least we are lead to believe it's Walt.  I don't remember when it happens, but things get super serious very soon with Michael.  He's a ticking time bomb and unfortunately nothing is done early enough to diffuse him.

S2: What Kate Did

What did Kate do?  Well she killed her step dad when she found out that it was her real dad.  She realized that she would never amount to anything of substance.  He drank and her mother worked at a diner.

On island she let it be known that every time she looked at Sawyer it reminded her of her past and she hated that, but it seems that she has put that all behind with the help of a mysterious horse on the island.  That has always not made any sense to me especially when Sawyer sees it.  Oh well, just another Lost mystery I guess.

Also, if I recall, I think this episode is the first time she kissed Jack passionately, but I think she was just doing it to try to feel better about herself since she was going crazy.  Thankfully everything works out in the end, but her character is looking worse and worse after every episode.  I'm starting to see why a lot of fans grew to dislike her.

Friday, July 15, 2011

S2: Collision

In the 8th episode of the 2nd season, we get another episode focused on the Tailes.  Finally, the Tailes and the Losties are being brought together but it's almost torturous in the method that it's happening.  Ana Lucia made a mistake by shooting Shannon and out of her own guilt, she doesn't know what to do and goes from leader to hostage taker.

We are shown flashes off island of Ana Lucia's police work past where she seems just as jumpy and disgruntled as she is on the island.  After several months of work with a psychiatrist, she is allowed to go back to work.  We learn that she was shot with armor piercing bullets and almost died.  We later learn that she was pregnant, lost the baby, and the father of the baby has left her after the incident.  She found the guy that did this to her and killed him in cold blood.

After dwelling on this, and the words from Sayid that maybe it was meant to be that he should be punished for the torturing he did in his past, she decides to untie Sayid whom she captured.  She gives him the weapons she had on her person and tells him to kill her for what she had done, now, and in the past.  Sayid, of course, does not kill her since they are both already dead.  (This is probably where man fans got the purgatory idea.)

After all is said and done, we are treated to the best part of the episode -- the reuniting of many characters:  Michael and Vincent, Jin and Sun, and Bernard and Rose.  The end scene with the fantastic orchestra playing as the people hugged, laughed and smiled was great and again, it was the highlight of this episode.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

S2: The Other 48 Days

So what happened the other 48 days on the other side of the island with the Tail survivors?  Do we care?  Whether we do or not, we are shown Day 1, 2, 3, 5, and then it jumps to 10 or 12, and then it jumps to 15, and continues to jump and skip days.  In the last 5 minutes of the show, we finally are brought up to Day 45 where the Tailes capture Jin, Sawyer and Michael and we are shown flashes of what we have already seen and how Shannon gets accidentally shot.

It's interesting the different experiences that the different groups had on their separate parts of the island.  While the Losties were dealing with the smoke monster, a French woman, catching boar and fish and building shelters and a raft, the Tailes were just bombarded with kidnapings right from the beginning.  So we buy in to why the Tailes were always on edge to justify the death of Shannon.

It was revealed that the Others were given a list of people to take and they were taking the "good" people.  If that's the case, why did they just make it easy on themselves and kill the "bad" people?  Here, it's very subtle, but we see the theme of good vs bad and in true Lost fashion, there is as always, a very fine line separating the two.

Again, here is another episode that does not feature any dialogue from the main survivors that we have invested so much time with and fell in love with.  This episode felt very rushed but I'm glad the writers didn't drag this episode out longer to show the connections between one side of the island and the other.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

S2: Abandoned

Unfortunately, the past two episodes have been away from the hatch.  The writers tease us during most of the first season and finally in the second season we get to see it and then they take it away again to follow other storylines, with the primary storylines being the introduction of the Tailes and the Others, which continue to remain a mystery.

What do we know about the Others?  Well they were on the island first, there were 4 or 5 of them that took Walt, Ethan took Claire's baby who was later shot by Charlie, they kidnapped the children and survivors from the Tail section and one named Goodwin was killed in that process.

The flashbacks centered on Shannon who is not a very interesting character, but in true Lost fashion, they make you like her character and her relationship with Sayid right before she gets shot.

What's funny is that even though Jack didn't get any lines, he was seen at the hospital when Shannon and her stepmother were informed of Mr. Rutherford's death.

S2: ...And Found

We take a break from the hatch and get an episode featuring everyone's favorite Asian couple, Sun and Jin.  It's funny that even though they are apart, we are shown, pre island, when they are together and see them first meet and instantly fall in love with each other.

On island you can see the pain in Sun's eyes when she loses her wedding ring and she does everything to try and find it.  She has a very good conversation with Locke where he tells her that she will find it when she stops looking for it.  Sure enough, after Sun tells Kate about the bottle of messages, its found sitting right in the sand.

On the other side of the island, Jin and Mr. Eko work together to find Michael who ran off.  I don't know how they convince him to come back, but they do and they continue their journey back to their friends.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

S2: Everybody Hates Hugo

The title of this episode threw me at first.  I thought it was going to be a bad episode when I saw the word hate but thankfully I was wrong.

The side story again was very cryptic.  Michael, Jin and Sawyer are finally let out of the hole/prison and brought to another Dharma station.  I believe it is the Arrow.  The survivors of the tail section are skeptical and seem very afraid at the moment.

The heart of the story, of course, is happening back at the hatch.  Hugo is put in charge of inventorying and potential rationing of the food supply that was discovered there.  Unfortunately, this reminds Hugo of his time off the island when he won the lottery.  He had everything and everyone was jealous of him and friends were lost.  He didn't want history to be repeated.  He decides to blow up the food with the leftover dynamite that they brought back from the Black Rock.  Thankfully Rose talks him out of it and Hugo decides to give all the food away.  Hugo is successful with his plan and everybody loves him.  The end music that plays while everyone has smiles on their faces was very moving.  Great episode.

S2: Orientation

Finally, we get to see more of the hatch and sadly, Desmond, a man who probably could answer a lot of questions run off into the jungle.  So the computer is busted and thankfully it gets fixed in time by Sayid where the numbers are to be entered to "save the world".

This episode is a great one.  Unfortunately, it's very cryptic and offers very convoluted non straight forward answers, but we do get our first introduction to the Dharma Initiative and training video 3 of 6 at the Swan Station.  Just that simple fact alone reveals that there are multiples stations out there and thoughts begin to run through my head wondering if the Losties find them all.

But the big picture isn't the Dharma Initiative, it's the battle between science and faith.  A great scene between Jack and Locke rings true to this fact:  Locke asks Jack why he finds it so hard to believe.  Jack immediately retorts back asking how Locke finds it so easy.  And then Locke exclaims that it's never been easy.  Fantastic scene and I believe this theme will ring true through the entire season and definitely bleed into the other seasons.

Elsewhere on the other side of the island, there is also some cryptic things happening with Michael, Sawyer and Jin.  They are captured by "Others" but find out that these other people could actually be tail survivors.  With a little help from Ana Lucia, she finds out a little about them and we find out very little about her.

If I remember correctly one of the big complaints about Season 2 is that it focuses more on the tail members or Tailes too much and not on the Losties enough.  Early on in the season I don't feel an imbalance yet, but I'm sure I'll post about it if I do.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

S2: Adrift

The two cliffhangers at the end of season 1 were the blowing the hatch open and the Others blowing up the boat.  Since we got to see the hatch in the first episode of season 2, we now get to see what happened to the Losties on the boat.

What we are treated to in this episode is just Michael and Sawyer floating along with the current with the threat of a shark who is attracted to a bleeding Sawyer who was shot trying to save Walt.  Jin is missing as well.  While they float along, we are shown flashbacks to Michael's "legal" fight to get his son to prepare us for the "physical" fight that will be Michael's task in episodes to come.

They finally make it back to the shore where they are greeted by a Jin that is bound and tied to a stick yelling "Udders".  The last shot of the episode is random figures that we can't discern and are people that Jin obviously fears.

Sound like a boring episode?  Well, what REALLY kept me intrigued was that they showed more of the hatch.  I use the word "more" loosely since they just took the scenes from the first episode of season 2 and showed it from Locke's and Kate's point of view, instead of Jack's which allowed us to see a little bit more like the numbers being entered into a computer when an alarm goes off, a storage room full of food, and an introduction to the word "Dharma".  The mystery of the hatch is really peaking my interest in the re-watch of this show so I'm glad it had a presence in this episode.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

S2: Man of Science, Man of Faith

And Season 2 begins in a place that we've never seen before.  Oh wait, it's INSIDE the hatch.  What is going on down there?  We'll find out soon enough.

So the Others are still coming and people are panicking because they don't know what to do.  They can't hide because the hatch isn't viable.  So Jack puts on his leader hat and says some reassuring words and everyone calms down.

Meanwhile Kate and Locke go down the hatch and Jack soon follows.  He runs into an old friend and the episode ends.  I love the 2nd season already.  The writers know exactly how to end each show to keep you wanting more.

Off island we see Jack fix his future wife Sara's back and they share a very emotional scene together.  The scene between Jack and Desmond on the stairs in the stadium is pretty awesome too and it's important because it has to be shown for the end scene to make sense.  I'm really looking forward to the next episode.

S1: Exodus: Part 3

There are two things that were great about this episode.  The first being that the producers finally give us a glimpse of the Smoke Monster.  The second being the conversation between Locke and Jack.  Yes, the Losties blow off the lid of the hatch, Charlie and Sayid get the baby back, and Walt gets taken by the Others while Michael, Sawyer and Jin are pretty much left for dead.  All these events set up Season 2 nicely.  But the heart of the series of Lost lie in the analysis of the two great scenes of this episode.

We are told by Rousseau that the Smoke Monster is the security system of the island.  While that is semi believable, we see that Rousseau is pretty crazy and has seen and suffered some horrible shit on the island for the past 16 years, so whatever she says should be taken with a grain of salt.  Almost randomly, the Smoke Monster decides to drag Locke through the jungle and down a hole.  Why not kill him?  Well, those who have seen the entire series knows that the Smoke Monster is not allowed to kill the people that Jacob has touched.   So was the Smoke Monster attempting to bury Locke underground and in turn not being directly responsible for his death or was Locke right in saying that he believes he's being tested.

We finally learned that the drive in Locke's heart is that he believes that he is being tested.  His faith in the island has given him the ability to walk and he will follow the path the island lays out before him which he believes ends at the hatch.  While there is no light without dark, no good without evil, no ying without yang, it is brought to the forefront that Jack is the man of science while Locke is the man of faith and that's why they have butted heads up until now.  What's really great is when Locke says that Jack doesn't have faith now, but one day says that he will.  At the time, one might think, "Yeah, sure, that's what they all say".  But knowing what happens in the end, that line really resonates after have watched the whole series.  Great end to a great season.  Bring on Season 2!

Side note:  It bothered me that Exodus Part 2 felt weird as a "To be continued" episode.  I looked it up online and the finale was actually two hours long so Exodus Part 2 and 3 on Netflix actually aired as one episode "Exodus, Part 2" on May 25, 2005.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

S1: Exodus: Part 2

After an excellent beginning that was Exodus: Part 1, I had high hopes for Exodus Part 2.  Unfortunately, this episode felt more like a setup for Part 3.

Our Losties are currently in three groups.  The raft group has their share of problems where they lose the rudder of the boat, but Sawyer promptly jumps in after it and saves it.  The hatch group attempts the transportation of dynamite from the Black Rock and unfortunately science teacher Arzt blows himself up but thankfully Locke and Jack have more luck securing 3 pieces each in two separate knapsacks.  The beach group gets ready to head to the caves and Rousseau successfully steals baby Aaron from Claire which results and Sayid and Charile heading the black smoke because that's where they think Rousseau is headed with the baby.

We see some decent scenes with Jin, Charlie and Sayid off island, but nothing very earth shattering.  The seed was planted that Charlie may fall back into his drug habit which stinks because Charlie is a better character drug free.

The episode then ended with a "To be continued" so I'm still hopeful for a great Part 3, but if my memory serves me correctly, Part 3 will end on a cliffhanger as many of the season finales will.  Thankfully, I only have to wait a day and not a year to see the next episode.

Friday, June 24, 2011

S1: Exodus: Part 1

This episode was jam packed with great moments.  A lot of information we already know is repeated and reiterated but that helps recap the important things.  We get to see a great scene with Jack and Ana Lucia in the airport bar before the flight (which sets up Season 2 nicely), Kate and the marshal moments before the flight, Sun and Jin snacking pre-flight among some very racist people and we find out that Sawyer picks a fight with the wrong man and gets up getting deported from Australia, never to return again.  Also there is a good scene between Walt and Michael where we see that their non existent pre-island relationship has grown into a pretty touching relationship on island.

While on the topic of great scenes, Sawyer finally tells Jack all about his interaction with Jack's father hours before his death.  In that moment, they parted as friends and wished each other good luck.

Many episodes ago, we had the beach people and the cave people.  Now the Losties get split again to the boat people and the hatch people.  Rousseau, the French woman, informs everyone that the "Others" are coming so Jack plans to hide everyone in the hatch.  To open the hatch, they decide to journey to the Black Rock to get some dynamite.  Rousseau used some dynamite to booby trap her old underground home that she abandoned after capturing Sayid many episodes ago.  After a brief threat from the Smoke Monster, the Losties reach the Black Rock which turns out to be a pirate ship very deep within the jungle.

One of the greatest scenes of this episode was the launching of raft.  Everyone was swelling with pride and hope.  This scene coupled with a fantastic score really tore at the heart strings.  After all their hard work, things are, for once, looking positive for the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815...

S1: Born to Run

Kate is born to run.  She has made a lot of bad choices and decisions in life and in this episode we see that it brings her to her home.  Her mother is dying of cancer and she uses her connection with a doctor, Tom, a man she loved, to get to see her mom.  Unfortunately, even her mother doesn't want to be near here and while escaping she gets Tom killed.

On island, Kate gets the urge to get off the island.  The boat is almost complete and she wants on.  Unfortunately, she double crosses Sawyer, at least that's what HE thinks, and he airs out her dirty laundry.  We learn that Sun actually tried to poison her husband temporary, so he didn't leave on the boat but Michael gets poisoned instead, but turns out to be all right.  It is also revealed that Kate was the one that tried to help Sun.  Overall, after the damage is done, everything goes back to normal but we really see a dark side of Kate this time.

S1: The Greater Good

As the Losties put Boone to rest, we get a glimpse of Sayid after his service in the Republic Guard where he has a brief stint with the FBI.  He uses his connections with an old friend to infiltrate a terrorist cell in Sydney.  While he is successful, unfortunately his friend pays the ultimate price by taking his own life out of grief.  Sayid does the right thing and claims his friend's body so it will be buried in Muslim custom which results in him delaying his original flight out of the county to his lost love of seven years, Nadia, putting him on Oceanic Flight 815.

On island Sayid tells Shannon he'll do anything to ease her pain of Boone's death.  She wants him to kill John Locke.  Sayid doesn't kill him but learns about the hatch and Locke confesses to hitting Sayid over the head and destroying his attempt to find the radio tower.  Shannon attempts to take matters into her own hands, but she is unsuccessful.  Ultimately, this puts a damper on the would be relationship with Shannon and Sayid, but again, he does the right thing.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

S1: Do No Harm

In this episode we let go of Boone and we say hello to Claire's baby boy.  I think she mentions the name Aaron in an earlier episode but I don't recall her naming him specifically in this episode where he was born.

Jack is a fixer.  He saves people.  But he can't let go.  We see that on and off island with Boone and with his future wife, Sarah.  He somehow fixes Sarah's back when she was told that she'd never walk again, but he couldn't save Boone even though he tried everything in his power.  With the help of Sun, he was able to transfuse his own blood to Boone to no avail.

I really enjoyed this episode for Jack episodes are always entertaining and since he's our "hero", it was great seeing him stretch himself to his own limits for the greater good.

Monday, June 20, 2011

S1: Deux Ex Machina

This episode blew me away the first time I saw it and it blew me away again.  It starts in a place you never think it will end up going and it totally goes there.

We get to meet Locke's mom who tells him he was immaculately conceived which leads Locke into digging into his own past.  Up to this point, he was given up for adoption and appears to have bounced from foster home to foster home, currently working at some retail store.

Locke learns who is father is and they immediately bond.  They go on hunting trips together, and Locke becomes very friendly with the gate keeper at his father's house.

After multiple bonding experiences, Mr. Cooper aka Locke's dad reveals that he needs a kidney.  He slow plays Locke with the long con and Locke gives his father a kidney out of the goodness of his heart.  His mom reveals this news to him after the surgery.  Distraught, he cries in his car after trying to see his dad.

On island, Locke is also distraught (mirroring his off island story), after Boone gets badly injured following Locke's instructions.  Locke finds himself crying and pounding on the lid of the hatch when suddenly a light shines from below...

Sweet moment of note:  Jack helps Sawyer with his headaches by giving him glasses to help him not strain his eyes when reading.  He helps him because Kate asked him to and she knows it because he tells her in a sweet way.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

S1: Numbers

4 8 15 16 23 42

And without further ado, Lost proudly presents the infamous numbers!  I can't tell you how many countless hours I've spent theorizing on what they mean, talking about them with my friends, reading what the different combinations were added and such and so on and so on.  Fans obsessed over these numbers like they had been given the answer to an equation and they all had their own theory on what that the equation was.

Well what do we know.  We know that the numbers were being broadcast from a radio tower on the island.  Why...I forget and I don't know if we're ever told why.  Rousseau and her team found the radio tower and she changed the transmission to the distress call that has been playing for the past 16 years.  But while the numbers WERE broadcasting, some people in a branch of the military at a listening post heard the numbers.  They used the numbers for personal gain and bad things appeared to happen around them.  We learn that at one time, Hurley was committed and he befriended a man who was friends with the guy who worked at the listening post or might have worked at the post too, I can't remember, but he just repeated the numbers over and over again.  So we know the source of the transmission of the numbers and how they got to Hurley and we know that they brought Rousseau and her team to the island, so they appear to be cursed.  The kicker is at the very end of the episode the viewer sees that the numbers are on the side of the hatch that Locke and Boone discovered and have kept to themselves thus far.  We'll learn soon enough that the numbers are very important inside the hatch as well.

Note:  The Black Rock gets mentioned again by Rousseau and the radio tower is somewhere near there.  I can't recall but I think we'll be visiting the Black Rock sometime in the first season very soon.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

S1: ...In Translation

So the viewer got to see only a little about Jin so far, but now he finally gets his own episode.  As with our other Losties, Jin doesn't have the best pre-island life.  He needs to do as Sun's father wishes in order to marry her.  Unfortunately this leads him to having to get his hands dirty, which he does so to save an employee's life.

On island, Sun finally drops the bomb that she speaks English which will help the story going forward, but causes a rift between her and Jin.  Jin decides to separate from her and help Michael build his boat.

Besides Sun finally revealing her bilingual status, there was a great scene between Jin and his father.  He told everyone his father was dead because he was ashamed.  They have a really good conversation and Jin's plan is to deliver the watches per Sun's father's request and then run away with her.  It's ironic while he's planning to run away WITH her that she plans to run away WITHOUT him, but she ultimately stays so they can grow together and unfortunately for the time being they've grown apart.

In other news, Hurley's CD batteries have finally run out of juice.

S1: Outlaws

Sawyer is the featured player in this episode and it's really great.  I enjoyed Sawyer and Kate tracking and camping together.  When they both drank when playing "I Never...killed a man" was a very powerful scene.  It was great in the end that Sawyer let the boar live where maybe the boar represented the soul of the man he shot in cold blood.

I really enjoyed the scene with Christian and Sawyer in the bar hearkening back to the episode where Jack was looking for his father before his father's passing.  And then it was cool when it hinted at the end of the episode that Sawyer made the connection that he might have very well met Jack's father.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

S1: Homecoming

Claire is back.  We don't know how she escaped Ethan.  She doesn't remember anything of course and her mind has somehow reset to her boarding the plane.  She doesn't remember the crash.  She DOES remember imaginary peanut better and that's about it.

The major conflict in this episode is Ethan.  He quickly gets labeled the "bad guy" which is funny because throughout the entire series the viewer is challenged to figure out who the "bad guys" are and who the "good guys" are and there is a very fine line between the two.  In this episode, it could be viewed, from a certain point of view, that the Losties are the bad guys because they have guns.

Pre-island, we see a Charlie who band-less yet still needs a fix.  He appears to have a pretty sweet setup with his old band mate to woo girls who come from money, steal something of value, and sell it for drugs.  In this episode, Charlie grows somewhat of a conscience and almost doesn't do it, but gives into temptation, gets caught, and gets told that he will never be able to take care of anyone.

Well on-island, Charlie gets to prove his ex "love" interest wrong, but protecting Claire by killing Ethan.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

S1: Special


Poor Michael.  Another Lostie who's had it pretty bad pre-island.  Happily his pregnant girlfriend shop for a crib, then the baby is born, the girlfriend takes a job in Amsterdam, takes baby Walt with her, starts dating her boss, moves to Italy and then at some point Sydney, then dies.  And while all this is happening Michael has no power or influence to stop any of it and ends up with a son that doesn't even know him.  He's thrust into the role of father, a role he hasn't played save for maybe 1 year of his life.

Now, stranded on an island, Michael believes that nobody wants off the island more than him.  He believes that his son can't grow up there.  Determined, he starts construction on a boat.  Unfortunately he continues to fight with his son about this friendship with Locke, but in true lost fashion, the "enemy" becomes the hero and Locke comes to the rescue when Walt is being threatened by a polar bear.

The idea of Walt being special and being able to summon animals that he looks at, I believe, is coincidence. I don't think the show develops this idea further.  I guess we'll see.

The big close?  Claire just happens upon Locke and Boone.  Boom!  LOST.

The big LOL.  When Kate and Charlie are talking in the cave and Kate tells him how nice he is watching her stuff until she comes back.  Until she comes back?  She's not on vacation...she was freakin' kidnapped.  How many people in the real world come back after being kidnapped?  ...Not many to my knowledge.  Then Charlie goes to Jack about wanting to search for Claire and Jack responds how he's not going to get far in the dark, well LOL, what about during the day for the week that she's been missing?  Sheesh!  Oh well, it's all moot now.

Oh also a big LOL was how the "Black Rock" gets revisited to be a place of interest because it appeared in a dream Claire had which she happened to write about in her diary.  LOL, thanks for bringing that up Charlie, I've been looking at a map, says Sayid, and there's a huge triangle on it.  Maybe it's the "Black Rock".  Maybe.  Maybe Claire will come back.  Maybe they will find the Black Rock.  Maybe someone will fall out of the sky and move the story along to another assumption.  Haha.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

S1: Hearts and Minds

I guess the "Hearts" of this episode are Sayid and Shannon while the "Minds" are Locke and Boone.  With the focus on Boone and Shannon we get to see what Sayid and Locke are up to which is cool since they are two guys who are trying to find out more about the island.

Sayid discovers or surmises that there might be some sort of magnetic field that is throwing off his compass which is cool because there is something throwing off his compass, he just doesn't know it yet.

Locke and Boone go back to the hatch and we see that they have cleared a good section of dirt off of it and they can't figure out how to open it.  Locke tells a pretty cool story about Michaelangelo, but that's about it for the good parts of the episode.

The meat of the episode focuses on Boone and Shannon pre-island and how Shannon plays him and Boone is a little bitch about it.  He does get to have sex with her, but even that is awkward after the fact.  On island Boone hallucinates thanks to John applying some sort of concoction to Boone's head.  In his hallucination Shannon dies and Boon realizes that he is relived.  Now after said realization, John deems his ready to move on and concentrate on their task at hand, which is figuring out how to open the hatch since John has deemed it high priority.

Interesting tidbits:  Claire is STILL missing and NO one is looking for her.  (I think Walt has been in more episodes than Claire.  LOL! ) Everyone is pretty much operating their own agenda and while I understand the trail is cold, I would think they would attempt a search party like Jack said they would.  What made me think of Claire is Charlie's line about him having faith in John to save them all.  When if his faith is so high for Locke, then go talk to him while he's just hanging out on the beach and ask him to help you out.  I digress.

I'm looking forward to more hatch happenings.  :)

S1: Whatever the Case May Be

When I was watching this episode I remember waiting an extremely long time to finally see a flashback.  Unfortunately, there was a lot of cat and mouse on the island with Kate and Sawyer before the viewer got to see some pre-island Kate.  

Kate was not being a good girl.  She spearheaded an operation to rob a bank for a tiny toy plane.  She reveals to Jack that it belonged to the man she loved...the man she killed.

So recap - Kate is bad yet she has a conscious and only killed/shot the bad guys in the bank and she got her tiny toy plane that was the only thing on her in Sydney.  We also get a little more flirtation between her and Jack and Sawyer developing the impending love triangle even more.  Overall, it wasn't a very strong episode, but that's expected when Kate is the focus.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

S1: All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues

When I see the title of this episode, my mind always drifts to Sawyer being somewhat of a "cowboy" and this episode being about him, but this episode isn't about him at all.  This is a Jack episode.

While this episode delves into the troubled relationship between Jack and his father pre-island, we see an on island Jack committed to not giving up and trying against all odds to find Claire and Charlie who have somehow been captured by Ethan, a man who has been on the island for a long time now and was NOT part of the plane crash.

Thankfully Jack finds Charlie hung from a tree and despite Kate's attempts to stop him he does not give up trying to save his life.  He pounds on his chest trying to jump start his heart while dramatic music plays.  It's a very powerful scene showcasing that Jack is the man he is today largely because of his father, for bad and for good.

The big reveal in the final scene of this episode is what Locke and Boone stumble upon - the hatch!

Monday, June 6, 2011

S1: Raised by Another

The viewer is treated to a Claire episode.  As one of our featured Losties, we are shown that she didn't have the best life before crashing on the island.  Come to think of it, none of the Losties were really living particularly "good" lives before the crash.

Despite the bad, things look promising for Claire.  She's decided to take the advice of a crazy psychic who thinks that her baby needs to be raised by her and obviously the answer to that is stranding her on an island for that to happen.  Yet, little did the psychic see that this would set forth a series of events that would ultimately lead to Claire giving her son to Kate who then gives her son to Claire's mother.  Sure, Claire gets re-united with her son, or we can assume that happens in the end, but what was really SO bad about her child being raised by another?  What did the psychic see?

Unfortunately, I don't think these questions get answered, but we get more mystery that will surround Claire for reasons that I can not see at the moment.

The real treat, in LOST fashion, was giving us what we REALLY wanted in the last 2 minutes:  Sayid returning to came and uttering to Jack that there are others on the island and Hurley confirming it before closing with Ethan confronting Claire and Charlie.  BOOM!  LOST!

S1: Solitary

Sayid gets his turn to shine in this episode that centers on his relationship with Nadia pre-island and his new "friendship" with the Frenchwoman, Rousseau.

What do we learn?  Well, we already know that Rousseau has been on the island for 16 years, and we learn that in that time she has killed all her science friends because they were "sick" and she is missing her child Alex.  She remains hidden from the "Others" on the island and she claims to hear their whispers in the jungle. 

I did find it weird that she didn't specify if Alex was a boy or girl, but maybe it hadn't been decided yet by the writing staff so they left it ambiguous, OR maybe they thought that the audience would assume that Alex is typically a boy's name and they intended to surprise us later on by revealing that Alex is, in fact, her daughter.

So we get a little island lore above, the mention of the "Black Rock", and of course, our character development of Sayid to show that he's not a monster, but he has a lot of heart.  He's a good man with a very bad job.  He does what his heart tells him and he saves Nadia, but to this day, he believes that she has been dead since it's been 7 years since he's seen her, yet he still holds onto her memory.  In the end, Rousseau finally lets Sayid go and he makes his way back to camp to tell the Losties his news.

Friday, June 3, 2011

S1: Confidence Man

Sawyer gets his moment to shine in Confidence Man.  And we also get the beginning of the Jack-Kate-Sawyer love triangle.  Since Sawyer is one of the better characters that I like, this storyline hasn't left my long term memory and this episode didn't move me as much as some of the others thus far.  If you know Sawyer is the good bad guy, or the bad good guy, depending on how you look at it.

To say it a different way, Sawyer is obviously the bad boy that everybody loves to hate, and hates to love.  This episode gives you more reason to do either.  Maybe you begin to love/hate Kate for kissing him.  Maybe you love/hate Jack and Sayid for going to extremes and doing the opposite of what they preach which is bringing people together, not tearing them apart.  I guess it's just fun when you add Sawyer to the mix, everybody else goes crazy and doesn't act like themselves.

Bonus:  Claire is back and Charlie appears to be all better.  Hooray!

I forgot that Sayid decided to leave the group, but I definitely agree with his decision because we have to move the story forward somehow and that isn't going to happen with people just hanging out on a beach or in a cave because this is Lost and if it were just about watching people that were lost then that would be boring.  Until next time, just keep breathing and if you're having trouble, some eucalyptus may help.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

S1: The Moth

When I began watching this episode for a second time, I forgot that Jack got trapped in the caves.  Then I realized it was a Charlie episode, and I thought it wasn't going to be a good episode since he's not one of my favorite characters.  In fact, he WAS hanging out with Claire and she has been MIA these past two episodes.  I haven't seen her in the caves, so I'm assuming she's still on the beach.  But if she had been developing a friendship with Charlie and partly with Jack, it's strange she wouldn't go where her friend and doctor are.  I digress about Claire.  Concerning this episode, despite my initial thoughts, it WAS a good episode.

Thanks to Locke's intervention and lesson in metamorphosis, the viewer is treated to the metamorphosis of Charlie from junkie to a better man.  He proves himself in action and integrity.  The formula was a little obvious, which is hard to say since I've already seen this episode once, but it was still a joy to watch and relive.

The side story of Sayid is also interesting that while the Lost writers develop the characters and their back stories off island, we are given a storyline of those trying to get to figure out the mysteries of the island and in doing so, hopefully attempting some sort of method of getting off the island.  Unfortunately for Sayid, he gets knocked out by an unknown person.  I can't remember but I think it's the French woman and if that's the case, then we should be getting a Sayid episode very soon.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

S1: House of the Rising Sun

In episode number six after getting a Kate, Locke and Jack episode we are treated to a "Sun and Jin" episode.  I remember being frustrated as the rest of the audience when there existed a language barrier.  I thought to myself, "How are they ever going to integrate these people in the story when they can't communicate?"  Well that was answered faster than I recalled with Sun revealing herself to Michael which I appreciated since Michael is probably my least favorite character next to Shannon who thankfully hasn't been featured too much yet, but if memory serves me correctly, that fact changes for the worse.  Also begins Charlie battle with drugs which I also found to be a little annoying, but typical for a rock star.

Despite my little negative rant about Michael, Shannon and Charlie, it was good seeing Sun and Jin go from an innocent couple to a trouble marriage.  I thought it was great when Sun almost left him at the airport, but Jin pulled out the flower that he once gave her which was very small for him to do, but huge from her point of view.  Little did she know, how big of a decision is actually was for her to stay and how it would strengthen their marriage to the point where NOTHING could nor would ever break it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

S1: White Rabbit

"If we can't live together, then we'll die alone."

I forgot how great an episode this was as I watched it.  Our hero Jack gets his flashback episode and we get to see pre-island events like his childhood, his interactions with his father, and his interactions with his mother.  It's excellent how his off-island mood, convictions, and actions directly mirror his on-island mood, convictions and actions.  It's definitely some really excellent writing.

But again, I find myself flashforwarding to Season 6.  I remember Locke in the form of the Smoke Monster sitting down with Jack and pretty much confessing that he was in the form of his father and led him to the water.  I don't remember why.  Then my mind flashes to other moments in the future where the Smoke Monster appeared to just kill people without any thought.  Was it Jacob touching so many of Losties before coming to the island that threw off old Smokey?  Maybe.  I don't remember all the rules of Jacob and the Smoke Monster's game.  I will just have to wait and see it unfold to see if it makes more sense.

Monday, May 23, 2011

S1: Walkabout

"Don't tell me what I can't do!"

After keeping to himself for 3 days, Locke comes upon his set of knives and it couldn't come at a better time because the Losties are out of food.  What will they eat?  Oh, there are wild boar on the island.  Sweet!  Locke is on the case.

It was great seeing Locke take charge, but still battle his demons.  It makes sense why he has been laying low for the past couple of episodes - he went from being in a wheelchair to being able to walk again.  I could only image how someone wraps their brain around that.  He somehow comes to grips with it, goes on the hunt and comes back successful.

We see that Locke is the first person to come face to face with the Smoke Monster, but when asked if he did lies about it to Michael.  Also, Christian Shepard (aka the Smoke Monster) makes his first appearance to Jack.  Of course, we don't find out that it's the Smoke Monster until Season 6, but it seems clear that the Smoke Monster has chosen who he's going to manipulate - Jack and Locke - which makes sense because they are the man of science and the man of faith, which becomes clearer later on in the season.

It was really great how the writers hinted at Locke's "condition" the entire episode to finally drop the bomb on  us in the scene where Locke argues with the walkabout guide and then it quickly takes us back to the beach where Locke wiggles his toes for the first time in a long time and immediately helps when called upon by Jack.  A subtle yet powerful episode that definitely lays the ground work for many more things to come without letting you know that it was laying the ground work.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

S1: Tabula Rasa

"We're going to have to lie."

It's fantastic and funny that the lies begin ALREADY!  I seriously laughed out loud when the above quote was said in this episode.  The questions have begun and as a viewer I want answers, but I'm not going to get answers...I'm not going to get truth.  The fact of the matter is is that I'm going to get lies.  And I know that I'm not going to get lies all the time, but I'm going to get points of view that people hold as truths and I'm going to get half truths.

I understand that the Losties lie to the big group of survivors to protect them and not take away their hope.  Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is also power.  So the Losties, in a way, put themselves in a position of power over those without the information.  Is that right or wrong?  I think it's a little bit of both, but that's human nature and ultimately human nature is a big theme of this show.  We don't always get what we want when it comes to people, because some people are straight with you while others beat around the bush.  People are neither black nor white, but shades of grey.

In this episode we get the first person who is most certainly many shades of grey - Kate.  We get a small piece of her back story, and we are shown that she is not naive but smart, not dangerous, but kind, not weak but strong.  And then on the flip side, we see that she's not smart, but naive, she's not kind, but dangerous, she's not strong, but weak.  We see that she's human and we are left with wanting to know more about her.

The ending scene with the powerful music that plays while Sayid throws Sawyer some fruit, Walt and Vincent re-unite, and Jin runs his finger through Sun's hair as she sleeps is the first of many scenes that I love in LOST.  No words are needed, but simple actions become profound among a group of people forced together by tragedy.

S1: Pilot: Part 2

If Part 1 of the pilot is the cake, Part 2 is the icing.

What's the first thing you do when you find yourself stranded on a desert island?  Figure out how to get off, at least, that's what a group of Losties decides to do.  With transmitter in hand recovered from the front of the plane, the group attempts to get a signal after a long hike.  We get a little nugget of information that there is a transmission already broadcasting and it has been for 16 years.  And of all things, the group comes upon a polar bear.  Questions keep piling up and watching it now, a second time, takes away some of the frustration, especially when some of these questions don't get answered until seasons later.  Charlie puts it best at the end of the episode saying, "Guys, where are we?"  Where are they?  They are on an island and they might as well be on an iceberg because we've only just hit the tip.

S1: Pilot: Part 1

The opening scene is great, not just because it's going to end where it begins, but because it begins in such a way that the show could go ANYWHERE from that point...and it most certainly does.  It made me smile seeing Vincent and then the shoe as Jack ran through the bamboo forest.

Jack as hero is always fun to watch and for him to take charge on the beach among the chaos is great.  I really enjoyed his story about letting the fear in when Kate was stitching him up.  I love later on when the Smoke Monster has Kate hiding in the group of trees when she counts to 5 to let the fear in.  Great moment.  Great writing.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I was never into LOST at first.  At the time it was on, I was living with my dad and he would watch his shows and I would cruise the internet half paying attention.  I don't remember what episode I saw first, but it was somewhere towards the end of Season 3.  I remember having NO idea what was going on.  After watching a handful of episodes, we came upon the Season 3 finale.  While watching the finale, I said to my dad, "I don't think this is a flash back, this is some sort of flash forward."  And at the end of the episode, I found out I was right once they showed Kate.  I wouldn't understand the power of this episode until some time later.

Some time later, I got a job at Geisinger and reconnected with my friends in the area.  My friend Dan was obsessed with the show.  At the time, the show had started Season 4 and was about 5 or 6 episodes in.  He let me borrow Seasons 1, 2, and 3 on DVD.  Once I started watching them, I was hooked.  I was watching 3 - 5 episodes a night.  I finished Season 1 in less than a week.  When I got caught up, we watched Season 4 together that he had on his DVR and each week after that I met up with him and Stacie to watch the newest one.  It was great fun.

At some point in the future, the episode watching moved from his place to mine.  We added our mutual friends to the mix and we had LOST nights that included our friends Dave, Jeff and sometimes Tina, Jen and Bill.

In the end, the series finale was enjoyed at my place where I threw a huge party with Dharma beer, pretzels, chips and more.  It was a fitting end to a great show and now I find myself, a full year later, craving to watch the show from beginning to end.

Thanks to Netflix streaming and needing a distraction while I work out each night after work, I have decided to do exactly that -- to watch LOST from beginning to end.  And in doing so I plan on blogging about each episode and typing whatever comes to mind.  As I post, I'm sure there will be a lot of love and a lot of hate towards specific actions or plot elements or certain characters, but overall, please keep in mind that I loved this show and it is sadly missed in a world where nothing after it has even come close to replacing it.  So please feel free to get LOST with me and maybe we'll find something along the way.