Saturday, July 30, 2011

S2: Dave

It's Hurley's turn to hallucinate.  Kate, Jack, Charlie and Locke have had their turn at some point and in this episode Hurley sees his friend Dave that he created while he was committed pre island.  Dave convinces him that the island is not real and he's dreaming it all.  To wake from the dream, Dave tells him to jump from a cliff.  Thankfully Libby shows up in time to disprove Dave and stop Hurley from jumping.

I think this episode was created to show that Lost isn't someone's dream, but it's actually happening.  I'm sure it quelled a lot of concerns for fans, but still teased them by showing that Libby was also a mental patient at one point.

Overall, Hurley episodes are usually pretty interesting, but this one was a little lack luster.  Like how the last episode humanized Locke, this episode humanized Hurley showing that he feels responsible for killing two people pre island, dealing with that fact, and moving on from it...which is a common theme in Lost.

S2: Lockdown

Locke loses the woman he loves thanks to wanting/needing his father's love.  He almost lost her once and it appears that he lost her for good.  He proposes and she just leaves.

On island, the hatch goes into an apparent lockdown. The big reveal is that near the end of the lockdown a black light comes on to reveal a map of all the Dharma stations, that and it's revealed that Henry isn't who he says he is.

Overall, Locke centered episodes rarely disappoint but this one was just ok.  Locke is shown making bad decisions like the rest of us so maybe this episode was meant to humanize him more, I'm not sure.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

S2: The Whole Truth

This episode was pretty lack luster, but at least it finally confirmed what everyone assumed was that Sun is pregnant.  Off island Jin and Sun are told that they can't have children.  Some how, on the island, Sun is pregnant.  It's celebrated through tears of trepidation and joy between Jin and Sun, and you can tell that there is still more to this story that we've been given thus far.

Elsewhere, the Ben aka Henry problem still exists and Ana Lucia is tapped by Locke to help.  Henry draws her a map to the balloon so she, Sayid and Charlie follow it to find it.  Do they find it?  Not sure yet.  Jack let's Henry eat breakfast cereal with them outside of his holding cell where Henry lets slip that he drew her a map.  Jack and Locke are totally shocked.  And again, Ben aka Henry tops the episode with his final lines saying IF he was one of them he probably would have set a trap for them and then the Others would traded them for him.  He laughs and says that it's a good thing he's not one of them.  And then casually, without skipping a beat asks if there is any milk for the cereal.

Note:  I liked that the pregnancy test was made by "Widmore Labs".  Something only a fan would catch on a second watch.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

S2: Maternity Leave

Claire finally puts together the pieces of her memory that she was blocked out when she went missing.  She was drugged the whole time by Ethan and escapes with the help of a mysterious teenage girl who we later find out is Alex, Rousseau's daughter that was stolen from her many years ago.

There weren't any off island flashbacks, just flashes to previous events in Claire's life on island during her capture.  None of it was particularly interesting.  Also speaking of uninteresting, Eko finds out about Henry in the hatch and apologizes to him for killing the men that tired kidnapping him.  Thanks Eko for not advancing the plot what-so-ever.

The best part of the episode was the end, when we see the first time Henry (Ben) gets inside Locke's head and begins to manipulate him.  Ben is a smart man and he can see that Locke wants answers and he has just enough to string him along for quite awhile.

Note:  Tonight was episode 40 of 120 marking the one-third of the way point through the series!

Monday, July 25, 2011

LOST SDCC 2011 Deleted Scene

Lost fans got a treat this year at the 2011 San Diego Comic Con!  This clip is hilarious and a must see for any Lost fan!  Enjoy!

S2: One of Them

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached the first episode with Ben Linus, but he's not Ben Linus yet.  He's playing the part of Henry Gale, a hot air balloon pilot who crashed on the island with his wife.

I remember when I first watched this episode part of me really believe Henry's story because of the great detail he answered Sayid's questions, but there was something about him that didn't make me totally sure.  There was a great scene between Sayid and Henry when he asked him how many shovel fulls of each he scooped up when burying the woman he loved.  Very powerful scene since you could recall and see in Sayid's eyes that he was thinking about Shannon.

We get to see how Sayid became the man that he is today and how that he battles within himself and hates himself for the things that he's done in the past.  There is a battle between good and evil within him and sometimes the evil really shows through which is hard because deep down he is a really good person and will some day die a martyr.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

S2: The Long Con

Sawyer is healed from his raft injuries.  While he was away on the raft, all his stuff was taken for the good of the camp and he's mad.  He pulls a long con on Jack, Locke and Kate where he gets his hands on the guns.  He gets some help from Charlie who wanted to humiliate Locke who humiliated him concerning Aaron.

We see pre island that Sawyer has had the experience before with the long con.  He spends 6 months with a girl teaching her how to con, all the while, secretly knowing about her $600,000 that she had hidden.  It appears that he has a sudden attack of conscience, but takes her money anyway.  Sawyer admits to himself and to Kate that he is a con man.  He cons.  A tiger doesn't change his stripes.  Great episode.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

S2: Fire + Water

This episode is probably the most bizarre thus far and that's saying a lot about a show that has a smoke monster running through the jungle.  Charlie was dreaming while he was awake and sleep walking with the baby.  His dreams were telling him that the baby was in trouble and needed to be baptized.  He even went as far to set a fire to try and achieve his goals.  In the end, he makes things worse between him, Claire, Locke and pretty much everyone else, but at least the baby and Claire get baptized by Eko.

S2: The Hunting Party

Last time we got a Jack flashback episode he fixed his future wife's back.  Now we move forward in his timeline to see that he's working long hours, not being there for his wife, and he ends up losing her.  He also loses a patient.  Jack is not having a good day pre island and when we flash to the island he's not having any luck there either.

Michael has run off and Jack needs to fix the situation; he always needs something to fix something, that's his character, for better and for worse.  He, Locke and Sawyer don't find Michael, but the Others find him.  They tell him that this is their island and they better behave themselves if they want to continue to live on it.

Overall, I enjoyed getting more island lore, but it sucks to see Jack sad because when Jack is sad, I find that I'm sad.  When Jack is happy, I'm happy.  You invest so much time and energy into the story and the characters that it effects you personally and anyone that says different is either lying or not really paying attention.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

S2: The 23rd Psalm

New character Mr. Eko gets a flashback episode.  This episode answers the questions of the origin of the plane, the priests and the Mary statues filled with heroin.  It appears that Charlie is not using but for some reason he's got a hidden stash.

The highlight of this episode was probably the amount of screen time that the smoke monster got.  It appeared to scan Mr. Eko and then take off.  It's really weird how we see little pieces of smoke traveling through the jungle and then it gets angry and "grows" a lot bigger.  Excluding the hatch, it's the biggest mystery and I really seeing it when it shows up but at the same time frustrating because it's a reminder of something that doesn't get some answers in the last season.

Plot device of note:  Michael is using the hatch computer to talk to Walt, or at least we are lead to believe it's Walt.  I don't remember when it happens, but things get super serious very soon with Michael.  He's a ticking time bomb and unfortunately nothing is done early enough to diffuse him.

S2: What Kate Did

What did Kate do?  Well she killed her step dad when she found out that it was her real dad.  She realized that she would never amount to anything of substance.  He drank and her mother worked at a diner.

On island she let it be known that every time she looked at Sawyer it reminded her of her past and she hated that, but it seems that she has put that all behind with the help of a mysterious horse on the island.  That has always not made any sense to me especially when Sawyer sees it.  Oh well, just another Lost mystery I guess.

Also, if I recall, I think this episode is the first time she kissed Jack passionately, but I think she was just doing it to try to feel better about herself since she was going crazy.  Thankfully everything works out in the end, but her character is looking worse and worse after every episode.  I'm starting to see why a lot of fans grew to dislike her.

Friday, July 15, 2011

S2: Collision

In the 8th episode of the 2nd season, we get another episode focused on the Tailes.  Finally, the Tailes and the Losties are being brought together but it's almost torturous in the method that it's happening.  Ana Lucia made a mistake by shooting Shannon and out of her own guilt, she doesn't know what to do and goes from leader to hostage taker.

We are shown flashes off island of Ana Lucia's police work past where she seems just as jumpy and disgruntled as she is on the island.  After several months of work with a psychiatrist, she is allowed to go back to work.  We learn that she was shot with armor piercing bullets and almost died.  We later learn that she was pregnant, lost the baby, and the father of the baby has left her after the incident.  She found the guy that did this to her and killed him in cold blood.

After dwelling on this, and the words from Sayid that maybe it was meant to be that he should be punished for the torturing he did in his past, she decides to untie Sayid whom she captured.  She gives him the weapons she had on her person and tells him to kill her for what she had done, now, and in the past.  Sayid, of course, does not kill her since they are both already dead.  (This is probably where man fans got the purgatory idea.)

After all is said and done, we are treated to the best part of the episode -- the reuniting of many characters:  Michael and Vincent, Jin and Sun, and Bernard and Rose.  The end scene with the fantastic orchestra playing as the people hugged, laughed and smiled was great and again, it was the highlight of this episode.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

S2: The Other 48 Days

So what happened the other 48 days on the other side of the island with the Tail survivors?  Do we care?  Whether we do or not, we are shown Day 1, 2, 3, 5, and then it jumps to 10 or 12, and then it jumps to 15, and continues to jump and skip days.  In the last 5 minutes of the show, we finally are brought up to Day 45 where the Tailes capture Jin, Sawyer and Michael and we are shown flashes of what we have already seen and how Shannon gets accidentally shot.

It's interesting the different experiences that the different groups had on their separate parts of the island.  While the Losties were dealing with the smoke monster, a French woman, catching boar and fish and building shelters and a raft, the Tailes were just bombarded with kidnapings right from the beginning.  So we buy in to why the Tailes were always on edge to justify the death of Shannon.

It was revealed that the Others were given a list of people to take and they were taking the "good" people.  If that's the case, why did they just make it easy on themselves and kill the "bad" people?  Here, it's very subtle, but we see the theme of good vs bad and in true Lost fashion, there is as always, a very fine line separating the two.

Again, here is another episode that does not feature any dialogue from the main survivors that we have invested so much time with and fell in love with.  This episode felt very rushed but I'm glad the writers didn't drag this episode out longer to show the connections between one side of the island and the other.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

S2: Abandoned

Unfortunately, the past two episodes have been away from the hatch.  The writers tease us during most of the first season and finally in the second season we get to see it and then they take it away again to follow other storylines, with the primary storylines being the introduction of the Tailes and the Others, which continue to remain a mystery.

What do we know about the Others?  Well they were on the island first, there were 4 or 5 of them that took Walt, Ethan took Claire's baby who was later shot by Charlie, they kidnapped the children and survivors from the Tail section and one named Goodwin was killed in that process.

The flashbacks centered on Shannon who is not a very interesting character, but in true Lost fashion, they make you like her character and her relationship with Sayid right before she gets shot.

What's funny is that even though Jack didn't get any lines, he was seen at the hospital when Shannon and her stepmother were informed of Mr. Rutherford's death.

S2: ...And Found

We take a break from the hatch and get an episode featuring everyone's favorite Asian couple, Sun and Jin.  It's funny that even though they are apart, we are shown, pre island, when they are together and see them first meet and instantly fall in love with each other.

On island you can see the pain in Sun's eyes when she loses her wedding ring and she does everything to try and find it.  She has a very good conversation with Locke where he tells her that she will find it when she stops looking for it.  Sure enough, after Sun tells Kate about the bottle of messages, its found sitting right in the sand.

On the other side of the island, Jin and Mr. Eko work together to find Michael who ran off.  I don't know how they convince him to come back, but they do and they continue their journey back to their friends.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

S2: Everybody Hates Hugo

The title of this episode threw me at first.  I thought it was going to be a bad episode when I saw the word hate but thankfully I was wrong.

The side story again was very cryptic.  Michael, Jin and Sawyer are finally let out of the hole/prison and brought to another Dharma station.  I believe it is the Arrow.  The survivors of the tail section are skeptical and seem very afraid at the moment.

The heart of the story, of course, is happening back at the hatch.  Hugo is put in charge of inventorying and potential rationing of the food supply that was discovered there.  Unfortunately, this reminds Hugo of his time off the island when he won the lottery.  He had everything and everyone was jealous of him and friends were lost.  He didn't want history to be repeated.  He decides to blow up the food with the leftover dynamite that they brought back from the Black Rock.  Thankfully Rose talks him out of it and Hugo decides to give all the food away.  Hugo is successful with his plan and everybody loves him.  The end music that plays while everyone has smiles on their faces was very moving.  Great episode.

S2: Orientation

Finally, we get to see more of the hatch and sadly, Desmond, a man who probably could answer a lot of questions run off into the jungle.  So the computer is busted and thankfully it gets fixed in time by Sayid where the numbers are to be entered to "save the world".

This episode is a great one.  Unfortunately, it's very cryptic and offers very convoluted non straight forward answers, but we do get our first introduction to the Dharma Initiative and training video 3 of 6 at the Swan Station.  Just that simple fact alone reveals that there are multiples stations out there and thoughts begin to run through my head wondering if the Losties find them all.

But the big picture isn't the Dharma Initiative, it's the battle between science and faith.  A great scene between Jack and Locke rings true to this fact:  Locke asks Jack why he finds it so hard to believe.  Jack immediately retorts back asking how Locke finds it so easy.  And then Locke exclaims that it's never been easy.  Fantastic scene and I believe this theme will ring true through the entire season and definitely bleed into the other seasons.

Elsewhere on the other side of the island, there is also some cryptic things happening with Michael, Sawyer and Jin.  They are captured by "Others" but find out that these other people could actually be tail survivors.  With a little help from Ana Lucia, she finds out a little about them and we find out very little about her.

If I remember correctly one of the big complaints about Season 2 is that it focuses more on the tail members or Tailes too much and not on the Losties enough.  Early on in the season I don't feel an imbalance yet, but I'm sure I'll post about it if I do.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

S2: Adrift

The two cliffhangers at the end of season 1 were the blowing the hatch open and the Others blowing up the boat.  Since we got to see the hatch in the first episode of season 2, we now get to see what happened to the Losties on the boat.

What we are treated to in this episode is just Michael and Sawyer floating along with the current with the threat of a shark who is attracted to a bleeding Sawyer who was shot trying to save Walt.  Jin is missing as well.  While they float along, we are shown flashbacks to Michael's "legal" fight to get his son to prepare us for the "physical" fight that will be Michael's task in episodes to come.

They finally make it back to the shore where they are greeted by a Jin that is bound and tied to a stick yelling "Udders".  The last shot of the episode is random figures that we can't discern and are people that Jin obviously fears.

Sound like a boring episode?  Well, what REALLY kept me intrigued was that they showed more of the hatch.  I use the word "more" loosely since they just took the scenes from the first episode of season 2 and showed it from Locke's and Kate's point of view, instead of Jack's which allowed us to see a little bit more like the numbers being entered into a computer when an alarm goes off, a storage room full of food, and an introduction to the word "Dharma".  The mystery of the hatch is really peaking my interest in the re-watch of this show so I'm glad it had a presence in this episode.