Thursday, June 30, 2011

S2: Man of Science, Man of Faith

And Season 2 begins in a place that we've never seen before.  Oh wait, it's INSIDE the hatch.  What is going on down there?  We'll find out soon enough.

So the Others are still coming and people are panicking because they don't know what to do.  They can't hide because the hatch isn't viable.  So Jack puts on his leader hat and says some reassuring words and everyone calms down.

Meanwhile Kate and Locke go down the hatch and Jack soon follows.  He runs into an old friend and the episode ends.  I love the 2nd season already.  The writers know exactly how to end each show to keep you wanting more.

Off island we see Jack fix his future wife Sara's back and they share a very emotional scene together.  The scene between Jack and Desmond on the stairs in the stadium is pretty awesome too and it's important because it has to be shown for the end scene to make sense.  I'm really looking forward to the next episode.

S1: Exodus: Part 3

There are two things that were great about this episode.  The first being that the producers finally give us a glimpse of the Smoke Monster.  The second being the conversation between Locke and Jack.  Yes, the Losties blow off the lid of the hatch, Charlie and Sayid get the baby back, and Walt gets taken by the Others while Michael, Sawyer and Jin are pretty much left for dead.  All these events set up Season 2 nicely.  But the heart of the series of Lost lie in the analysis of the two great scenes of this episode.

We are told by Rousseau that the Smoke Monster is the security system of the island.  While that is semi believable, we see that Rousseau is pretty crazy and has seen and suffered some horrible shit on the island for the past 16 years, so whatever she says should be taken with a grain of salt.  Almost randomly, the Smoke Monster decides to drag Locke through the jungle and down a hole.  Why not kill him?  Well, those who have seen the entire series knows that the Smoke Monster is not allowed to kill the people that Jacob has touched.   So was the Smoke Monster attempting to bury Locke underground and in turn not being directly responsible for his death or was Locke right in saying that he believes he's being tested.

We finally learned that the drive in Locke's heart is that he believes that he is being tested.  His faith in the island has given him the ability to walk and he will follow the path the island lays out before him which he believes ends at the hatch.  While there is no light without dark, no good without evil, no ying without yang, it is brought to the forefront that Jack is the man of science while Locke is the man of faith and that's why they have butted heads up until now.  What's really great is when Locke says that Jack doesn't have faith now, but one day says that he will.  At the time, one might think, "Yeah, sure, that's what they all say".  But knowing what happens in the end, that line really resonates after have watched the whole series.  Great end to a great season.  Bring on Season 2!

Side note:  It bothered me that Exodus Part 2 felt weird as a "To be continued" episode.  I looked it up online and the finale was actually two hours long so Exodus Part 2 and 3 on Netflix actually aired as one episode "Exodus, Part 2" on May 25, 2005.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

S1: Exodus: Part 2

After an excellent beginning that was Exodus: Part 1, I had high hopes for Exodus Part 2.  Unfortunately, this episode felt more like a setup for Part 3.

Our Losties are currently in three groups.  The raft group has their share of problems where they lose the rudder of the boat, but Sawyer promptly jumps in after it and saves it.  The hatch group attempts the transportation of dynamite from the Black Rock and unfortunately science teacher Arzt blows himself up but thankfully Locke and Jack have more luck securing 3 pieces each in two separate knapsacks.  The beach group gets ready to head to the caves and Rousseau successfully steals baby Aaron from Claire which results and Sayid and Charile heading the black smoke because that's where they think Rousseau is headed with the baby.

We see some decent scenes with Jin, Charlie and Sayid off island, but nothing very earth shattering.  The seed was planted that Charlie may fall back into his drug habit which stinks because Charlie is a better character drug free.

The episode then ended with a "To be continued" so I'm still hopeful for a great Part 3, but if my memory serves me correctly, Part 3 will end on a cliffhanger as many of the season finales will.  Thankfully, I only have to wait a day and not a year to see the next episode.

Friday, June 24, 2011

S1: Exodus: Part 1

This episode was jam packed with great moments.  A lot of information we already know is repeated and reiterated but that helps recap the important things.  We get to see a great scene with Jack and Ana Lucia in the airport bar before the flight (which sets up Season 2 nicely), Kate and the marshal moments before the flight, Sun and Jin snacking pre-flight among some very racist people and we find out that Sawyer picks a fight with the wrong man and gets up getting deported from Australia, never to return again.  Also there is a good scene between Walt and Michael where we see that their non existent pre-island relationship has grown into a pretty touching relationship on island.

While on the topic of great scenes, Sawyer finally tells Jack all about his interaction with Jack's father hours before his death.  In that moment, they parted as friends and wished each other good luck.

Many episodes ago, we had the beach people and the cave people.  Now the Losties get split again to the boat people and the hatch people.  Rousseau, the French woman, informs everyone that the "Others" are coming so Jack plans to hide everyone in the hatch.  To open the hatch, they decide to journey to the Black Rock to get some dynamite.  Rousseau used some dynamite to booby trap her old underground home that she abandoned after capturing Sayid many episodes ago.  After a brief threat from the Smoke Monster, the Losties reach the Black Rock which turns out to be a pirate ship very deep within the jungle.

One of the greatest scenes of this episode was the launching of raft.  Everyone was swelling with pride and hope.  This scene coupled with a fantastic score really tore at the heart strings.  After all their hard work, things are, for once, looking positive for the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815...

S1: Born to Run

Kate is born to run.  She has made a lot of bad choices and decisions in life and in this episode we see that it brings her to her home.  Her mother is dying of cancer and she uses her connection with a doctor, Tom, a man she loved, to get to see her mom.  Unfortunately, even her mother doesn't want to be near here and while escaping she gets Tom killed.

On island, Kate gets the urge to get off the island.  The boat is almost complete and she wants on.  Unfortunately, she double crosses Sawyer, at least that's what HE thinks, and he airs out her dirty laundry.  We learn that Sun actually tried to poison her husband temporary, so he didn't leave on the boat but Michael gets poisoned instead, but turns out to be all right.  It is also revealed that Kate was the one that tried to help Sun.  Overall, after the damage is done, everything goes back to normal but we really see a dark side of Kate this time.

S1: The Greater Good

As the Losties put Boone to rest, we get a glimpse of Sayid after his service in the Republic Guard where he has a brief stint with the FBI.  He uses his connections with an old friend to infiltrate a terrorist cell in Sydney.  While he is successful, unfortunately his friend pays the ultimate price by taking his own life out of grief.  Sayid does the right thing and claims his friend's body so it will be buried in Muslim custom which results in him delaying his original flight out of the county to his lost love of seven years, Nadia, putting him on Oceanic Flight 815.

On island Sayid tells Shannon he'll do anything to ease her pain of Boone's death.  She wants him to kill John Locke.  Sayid doesn't kill him but learns about the hatch and Locke confesses to hitting Sayid over the head and destroying his attempt to find the radio tower.  Shannon attempts to take matters into her own hands, but she is unsuccessful.  Ultimately, this puts a damper on the would be relationship with Shannon and Sayid, but again, he does the right thing.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

S1: Do No Harm

In this episode we let go of Boone and we say hello to Claire's baby boy.  I think she mentions the name Aaron in an earlier episode but I don't recall her naming him specifically in this episode where he was born.

Jack is a fixer.  He saves people.  But he can't let go.  We see that on and off island with Boone and with his future wife, Sarah.  He somehow fixes Sarah's back when she was told that she'd never walk again, but he couldn't save Boone even though he tried everything in his power.  With the help of Sun, he was able to transfuse his own blood to Boone to no avail.

I really enjoyed this episode for Jack episodes are always entertaining and since he's our "hero", it was great seeing him stretch himself to his own limits for the greater good.

Monday, June 20, 2011

S1: Deux Ex Machina

This episode blew me away the first time I saw it and it blew me away again.  It starts in a place you never think it will end up going and it totally goes there.

We get to meet Locke's mom who tells him he was immaculately conceived which leads Locke into digging into his own past.  Up to this point, he was given up for adoption and appears to have bounced from foster home to foster home, currently working at some retail store.

Locke learns who is father is and they immediately bond.  They go on hunting trips together, and Locke becomes very friendly with the gate keeper at his father's house.

After multiple bonding experiences, Mr. Cooper aka Locke's dad reveals that he needs a kidney.  He slow plays Locke with the long con and Locke gives his father a kidney out of the goodness of his heart.  His mom reveals this news to him after the surgery.  Distraught, he cries in his car after trying to see his dad.

On island, Locke is also distraught (mirroring his off island story), after Boone gets badly injured following Locke's instructions.  Locke finds himself crying and pounding on the lid of the hatch when suddenly a light shines from below...

Sweet moment of note:  Jack helps Sawyer with his headaches by giving him glasses to help him not strain his eyes when reading.  He helps him because Kate asked him to and she knows it because he tells her in a sweet way.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

S1: Numbers

4 8 15 16 23 42

And without further ado, Lost proudly presents the infamous numbers!  I can't tell you how many countless hours I've spent theorizing on what they mean, talking about them with my friends, reading what the different combinations were added and such and so on and so on.  Fans obsessed over these numbers like they had been given the answer to an equation and they all had their own theory on what that the equation was.

Well what do we know.  We know that the numbers were being broadcast from a radio tower on the island.  Why...I forget and I don't know if we're ever told why.  Rousseau and her team found the radio tower and she changed the transmission to the distress call that has been playing for the past 16 years.  But while the numbers WERE broadcasting, some people in a branch of the military at a listening post heard the numbers.  They used the numbers for personal gain and bad things appeared to happen around them.  We learn that at one time, Hurley was committed and he befriended a man who was friends with the guy who worked at the listening post or might have worked at the post too, I can't remember, but he just repeated the numbers over and over again.  So we know the source of the transmission of the numbers and how they got to Hurley and we know that they brought Rousseau and her team to the island, so they appear to be cursed.  The kicker is at the very end of the episode the viewer sees that the numbers are on the side of the hatch that Locke and Boone discovered and have kept to themselves thus far.  We'll learn soon enough that the numbers are very important inside the hatch as well.

Note:  The Black Rock gets mentioned again by Rousseau and the radio tower is somewhere near there.  I can't recall but I think we'll be visiting the Black Rock sometime in the first season very soon.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

S1: ...In Translation

So the viewer got to see only a little about Jin so far, but now he finally gets his own episode.  As with our other Losties, Jin doesn't have the best pre-island life.  He needs to do as Sun's father wishes in order to marry her.  Unfortunately this leads him to having to get his hands dirty, which he does so to save an employee's life.

On island, Sun finally drops the bomb that she speaks English which will help the story going forward, but causes a rift between her and Jin.  Jin decides to separate from her and help Michael build his boat.

Besides Sun finally revealing her bilingual status, there was a great scene between Jin and his father.  He told everyone his father was dead because he was ashamed.  They have a really good conversation and Jin's plan is to deliver the watches per Sun's father's request and then run away with her.  It's ironic while he's planning to run away WITH her that she plans to run away WITHOUT him, but she ultimately stays so they can grow together and unfortunately for the time being they've grown apart.

In other news, Hurley's CD batteries have finally run out of juice.

S1: Outlaws

Sawyer is the featured player in this episode and it's really great.  I enjoyed Sawyer and Kate tracking and camping together.  When they both drank when playing "I Never...killed a man" was a very powerful scene.  It was great in the end that Sawyer let the boar live where maybe the boar represented the soul of the man he shot in cold blood.

I really enjoyed the scene with Christian and Sawyer in the bar hearkening back to the episode where Jack was looking for his father before his father's passing.  And then it was cool when it hinted at the end of the episode that Sawyer made the connection that he might have very well met Jack's father.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

S1: Homecoming

Claire is back.  We don't know how she escaped Ethan.  She doesn't remember anything of course and her mind has somehow reset to her boarding the plane.  She doesn't remember the crash.  She DOES remember imaginary peanut better and that's about it.

The major conflict in this episode is Ethan.  He quickly gets labeled the "bad guy" which is funny because throughout the entire series the viewer is challenged to figure out who the "bad guys" are and who the "good guys" are and there is a very fine line between the two.  In this episode, it could be viewed, from a certain point of view, that the Losties are the bad guys because they have guns.

Pre-island, we see a Charlie who band-less yet still needs a fix.  He appears to have a pretty sweet setup with his old band mate to woo girls who come from money, steal something of value, and sell it for drugs.  In this episode, Charlie grows somewhat of a conscience and almost doesn't do it, but gives into temptation, gets caught, and gets told that he will never be able to take care of anyone.

Well on-island, Charlie gets to prove his ex "love" interest wrong, but protecting Claire by killing Ethan.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

S1: Special


Poor Michael.  Another Lostie who's had it pretty bad pre-island.  Happily his pregnant girlfriend shop for a crib, then the baby is born, the girlfriend takes a job in Amsterdam, takes baby Walt with her, starts dating her boss, moves to Italy and then at some point Sydney, then dies.  And while all this is happening Michael has no power or influence to stop any of it and ends up with a son that doesn't even know him.  He's thrust into the role of father, a role he hasn't played save for maybe 1 year of his life.

Now, stranded on an island, Michael believes that nobody wants off the island more than him.  He believes that his son can't grow up there.  Determined, he starts construction on a boat.  Unfortunately he continues to fight with his son about this friendship with Locke, but in true lost fashion, the "enemy" becomes the hero and Locke comes to the rescue when Walt is being threatened by a polar bear.

The idea of Walt being special and being able to summon animals that he looks at, I believe, is coincidence. I don't think the show develops this idea further.  I guess we'll see.

The big close?  Claire just happens upon Locke and Boone.  Boom!  LOST.

The big LOL.  When Kate and Charlie are talking in the cave and Kate tells him how nice he is watching her stuff until she comes back.  Until she comes back?  She's not on vacation...she was freakin' kidnapped.  How many people in the real world come back after being kidnapped?  ...Not many to my knowledge.  Then Charlie goes to Jack about wanting to search for Claire and Jack responds how he's not going to get far in the dark, well LOL, what about during the day for the week that she's been missing?  Sheesh!  Oh well, it's all moot now.

Oh also a big LOL was how the "Black Rock" gets revisited to be a place of interest because it appeared in a dream Claire had which she happened to write about in her diary.  LOL, thanks for bringing that up Charlie, I've been looking at a map, says Sayid, and there's a huge triangle on it.  Maybe it's the "Black Rock".  Maybe.  Maybe Claire will come back.  Maybe they will find the Black Rock.  Maybe someone will fall out of the sky and move the story along to another assumption.  Haha.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

S1: Hearts and Minds

I guess the "Hearts" of this episode are Sayid and Shannon while the "Minds" are Locke and Boone.  With the focus on Boone and Shannon we get to see what Sayid and Locke are up to which is cool since they are two guys who are trying to find out more about the island.

Sayid discovers or surmises that there might be some sort of magnetic field that is throwing off his compass which is cool because there is something throwing off his compass, he just doesn't know it yet.

Locke and Boone go back to the hatch and we see that they have cleared a good section of dirt off of it and they can't figure out how to open it.  Locke tells a pretty cool story about Michaelangelo, but that's about it for the good parts of the episode.

The meat of the episode focuses on Boone and Shannon pre-island and how Shannon plays him and Boone is a little bitch about it.  He does get to have sex with her, but even that is awkward after the fact.  On island Boone hallucinates thanks to John applying some sort of concoction to Boone's head.  In his hallucination Shannon dies and Boon realizes that he is relived.  Now after said realization, John deems his ready to move on and concentrate on their task at hand, which is figuring out how to open the hatch since John has deemed it high priority.

Interesting tidbits:  Claire is STILL missing and NO one is looking for her.  (I think Walt has been in more episodes than Claire.  LOL! ) Everyone is pretty much operating their own agenda and while I understand the trail is cold, I would think they would attempt a search party like Jack said they would.  What made me think of Claire is Charlie's line about him having faith in John to save them all.  When if his faith is so high for Locke, then go talk to him while he's just hanging out on the beach and ask him to help you out.  I digress.

I'm looking forward to more hatch happenings.  :)

S1: Whatever the Case May Be

When I was watching this episode I remember waiting an extremely long time to finally see a flashback.  Unfortunately, there was a lot of cat and mouse on the island with Kate and Sawyer before the viewer got to see some pre-island Kate.  

Kate was not being a good girl.  She spearheaded an operation to rob a bank for a tiny toy plane.  She reveals to Jack that it belonged to the man she loved...the man she killed.

So recap - Kate is bad yet she has a conscious and only killed/shot the bad guys in the bank and she got her tiny toy plane that was the only thing on her in Sydney.  We also get a little more flirtation between her and Jack and Sawyer developing the impending love triangle even more.  Overall, it wasn't a very strong episode, but that's expected when Kate is the focus.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

S1: All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues

When I see the title of this episode, my mind always drifts to Sawyer being somewhat of a "cowboy" and this episode being about him, but this episode isn't about him at all.  This is a Jack episode.

While this episode delves into the troubled relationship between Jack and his father pre-island, we see an on island Jack committed to not giving up and trying against all odds to find Claire and Charlie who have somehow been captured by Ethan, a man who has been on the island for a long time now and was NOT part of the plane crash.

Thankfully Jack finds Charlie hung from a tree and despite Kate's attempts to stop him he does not give up trying to save his life.  He pounds on his chest trying to jump start his heart while dramatic music plays.  It's a very powerful scene showcasing that Jack is the man he is today largely because of his father, for bad and for good.

The big reveal in the final scene of this episode is what Locke and Boone stumble upon - the hatch!

Monday, June 6, 2011

S1: Raised by Another

The viewer is treated to a Claire episode.  As one of our featured Losties, we are shown that she didn't have the best life before crashing on the island.  Come to think of it, none of the Losties were really living particularly "good" lives before the crash.

Despite the bad, things look promising for Claire.  She's decided to take the advice of a crazy psychic who thinks that her baby needs to be raised by her and obviously the answer to that is stranding her on an island for that to happen.  Yet, little did the psychic see that this would set forth a series of events that would ultimately lead to Claire giving her son to Kate who then gives her son to Claire's mother.  Sure, Claire gets re-united with her son, or we can assume that happens in the end, but what was really SO bad about her child being raised by another?  What did the psychic see?

Unfortunately, I don't think these questions get answered, but we get more mystery that will surround Claire for reasons that I can not see at the moment.

The real treat, in LOST fashion, was giving us what we REALLY wanted in the last 2 minutes:  Sayid returning to came and uttering to Jack that there are others on the island and Hurley confirming it before closing with Ethan confronting Claire and Charlie.  BOOM!  LOST!

S1: Solitary

Sayid gets his turn to shine in this episode that centers on his relationship with Nadia pre-island and his new "friendship" with the Frenchwoman, Rousseau.

What do we learn?  Well, we already know that Rousseau has been on the island for 16 years, and we learn that in that time she has killed all her science friends because they were "sick" and she is missing her child Alex.  She remains hidden from the "Others" on the island and she claims to hear their whispers in the jungle. 

I did find it weird that she didn't specify if Alex was a boy or girl, but maybe it hadn't been decided yet by the writing staff so they left it ambiguous, OR maybe they thought that the audience would assume that Alex is typically a boy's name and they intended to surprise us later on by revealing that Alex is, in fact, her daughter.

So we get a little island lore above, the mention of the "Black Rock", and of course, our character development of Sayid to show that he's not a monster, but he has a lot of heart.  He's a good man with a very bad job.  He does what his heart tells him and he saves Nadia, but to this day, he believes that she has been dead since it's been 7 years since he's seen her, yet he still holds onto her memory.  In the end, Rousseau finally lets Sayid go and he makes his way back to camp to tell the Losties his news.

Friday, June 3, 2011

S1: Confidence Man

Sawyer gets his moment to shine in Confidence Man.  And we also get the beginning of the Jack-Kate-Sawyer love triangle.  Since Sawyer is one of the better characters that I like, this storyline hasn't left my long term memory and this episode didn't move me as much as some of the others thus far.  If you know Sawyer is the good bad guy, or the bad good guy, depending on how you look at it.

To say it a different way, Sawyer is obviously the bad boy that everybody loves to hate, and hates to love.  This episode gives you more reason to do either.  Maybe you begin to love/hate Kate for kissing him.  Maybe you love/hate Jack and Sayid for going to extremes and doing the opposite of what they preach which is bringing people together, not tearing them apart.  I guess it's just fun when you add Sawyer to the mix, everybody else goes crazy and doesn't act like themselves.

Bonus:  Claire is back and Charlie appears to be all better.  Hooray!

I forgot that Sayid decided to leave the group, but I definitely agree with his decision because we have to move the story forward somehow and that isn't going to happen with people just hanging out on a beach or in a cave because this is Lost and if it were just about watching people that were lost then that would be boring.  Until next time, just keep breathing and if you're having trouble, some eucalyptus may help.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

S1: The Moth

When I began watching this episode for a second time, I forgot that Jack got trapped in the caves.  Then I realized it was a Charlie episode, and I thought it wasn't going to be a good episode since he's not one of my favorite characters.  In fact, he WAS hanging out with Claire and she has been MIA these past two episodes.  I haven't seen her in the caves, so I'm assuming she's still on the beach.  But if she had been developing a friendship with Charlie and partly with Jack, it's strange she wouldn't go where her friend and doctor are.  I digress about Claire.  Concerning this episode, despite my initial thoughts, it WAS a good episode.

Thanks to Locke's intervention and lesson in metamorphosis, the viewer is treated to the metamorphosis of Charlie from junkie to a better man.  He proves himself in action and integrity.  The formula was a little obvious, which is hard to say since I've already seen this episode once, but it was still a joy to watch and relive.

The side story of Sayid is also interesting that while the Lost writers develop the characters and their back stories off island, we are given a storyline of those trying to get to figure out the mysteries of the island and in doing so, hopefully attempting some sort of method of getting off the island.  Unfortunately for Sayid, he gets knocked out by an unknown person.  I can't remember but I think it's the French woman and if that's the case, then we should be getting a Sayid episode very soon.