Tuesday, July 12, 2011

S2: Abandoned

Unfortunately, the past two episodes have been away from the hatch.  The writers tease us during most of the first season and finally in the second season we get to see it and then they take it away again to follow other storylines, with the primary storylines being the introduction of the Tailes and the Others, which continue to remain a mystery.

What do we know about the Others?  Well they were on the island first, there were 4 or 5 of them that took Walt, Ethan took Claire's baby who was later shot by Charlie, they kidnapped the children and survivors from the Tail section and one named Goodwin was killed in that process.

The flashbacks centered on Shannon who is not a very interesting character, but in true Lost fashion, they make you like her character and her relationship with Sayid right before she gets shot.

What's funny is that even though Jack didn't get any lines, he was seen at the hospital when Shannon and her stepmother were informed of Mr. Rutherford's death.

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