Monday, June 6, 2011

S1: Raised by Another

The viewer is treated to a Claire episode.  As one of our featured Losties, we are shown that she didn't have the best life before crashing on the island.  Come to think of it, none of the Losties were really living particularly "good" lives before the crash.

Despite the bad, things look promising for Claire.  She's decided to take the advice of a crazy psychic who thinks that her baby needs to be raised by her and obviously the answer to that is stranding her on an island for that to happen.  Yet, little did the psychic see that this would set forth a series of events that would ultimately lead to Claire giving her son to Kate who then gives her son to Claire's mother.  Sure, Claire gets re-united with her son, or we can assume that happens in the end, but what was really SO bad about her child being raised by another?  What did the psychic see?

Unfortunately, I don't think these questions get answered, but we get more mystery that will surround Claire for reasons that I can not see at the moment.

The real treat, in LOST fashion, was giving us what we REALLY wanted in the last 2 minutes:  Sayid returning to came and uttering to Jack that there are others on the island and Hurley confirming it before closing with Ethan confronting Claire and Charlie.  BOOM!  LOST!

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