Thursday, July 7, 2011

S2: Orientation

Finally, we get to see more of the hatch and sadly, Desmond, a man who probably could answer a lot of questions run off into the jungle.  So the computer is busted and thankfully it gets fixed in time by Sayid where the numbers are to be entered to "save the world".

This episode is a great one.  Unfortunately, it's very cryptic and offers very convoluted non straight forward answers, but we do get our first introduction to the Dharma Initiative and training video 3 of 6 at the Swan Station.  Just that simple fact alone reveals that there are multiples stations out there and thoughts begin to run through my head wondering if the Losties find them all.

But the big picture isn't the Dharma Initiative, it's the battle between science and faith.  A great scene between Jack and Locke rings true to this fact:  Locke asks Jack why he finds it so hard to believe.  Jack immediately retorts back asking how Locke finds it so easy.  And then Locke exclaims that it's never been easy.  Fantastic scene and I believe this theme will ring true through the entire season and definitely bleed into the other seasons.

Elsewhere on the other side of the island, there is also some cryptic things happening with Michael, Sawyer and Jin.  They are captured by "Others" but find out that these other people could actually be tail survivors.  With a little help from Ana Lucia, she finds out a little about them and we find out very little about her.

If I remember correctly one of the big complaints about Season 2 is that it focuses more on the tail members or Tailes too much and not on the Losties enough.  Early on in the season I don't feel an imbalance yet, but I'm sure I'll post about it if I do.

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