Monday, November 28, 2011

S3: Left Behind

I loved Kate the first time through, but her and her flashback episodes are disappointing.  She wishes to know why her mom turned her in and she risks everything to get the answer.  Well why doesn't she just call?  I guess that's not an option and Kate gets help from the woman Sawyer conned and impregnated.  Kate eventually gets her answer - Kate's mom loved the man and she didn't agree with Kate's murder of him.  Well, that's a relief!  Lost writers answering those burning questions one by one!

Back on the island, Kate is handcuffed to Juliet and we learn that Jack and Sayid were also left behind at the Barracks while all the Others left without a trace or trail.  Juliet used the handcuffs to grow closer to Kate and only unlocked them to turn the sonic fence on and be safe from the Smoke Monster.  I feel that we're going to have the whole gang reunite very soon save for Locke who is with the Others now.

On the beach Hugo convinces Sawyer to be nice to be the new leader since they all look to Sawyer in a time of crisis.  Sawyer doesn't want the job, but he looks around at all the people he made happy.  If Jack's heading back to the beach, then I'm sure this will be short lived moment for Sawyer.

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