Monday, November 28, 2011

S3: Left Behind

I loved Kate the first time through, but her and her flashback episodes are disappointing.  She wishes to know why her mom turned her in and she risks everything to get the answer.  Well why doesn't she just call?  I guess that's not an option and Kate gets help from the woman Sawyer conned and impregnated.  Kate eventually gets her answer - Kate's mom loved the man and she didn't agree with Kate's murder of him.  Well, that's a relief!  Lost writers answering those burning questions one by one!

Back on the island, Kate is handcuffed to Juliet and we learn that Jack and Sayid were also left behind at the Barracks while all the Others left without a trace or trail.  Juliet used the handcuffs to grow closer to Kate and only unlocked them to turn the sonic fence on and be safe from the Smoke Monster.  I feel that we're going to have the whole gang reunite very soon save for Locke who is with the Others now.

On the beach Hugo convinces Sawyer to be nice to be the new leader since they all look to Sawyer in a time of crisis.  Sawyer doesn't want the job, but he looks around at all the people he made happy.  If Jack's heading back to the beach, then I'm sure this will be short lived moment for Sawyer.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

S3: Exposé

This episode has gotten a lot of flack in the past because the writers take a "break" from telling us anything new and focus on two VERY minor characters that have nothing to do with the overall story.  I heard that they wanted to show the audience that they can take anything and incorporate it into the story.  And despite that the story is meaningless in the grand scheme of things, the writers do a great job and I was actually entertained upon second viewing of this episode.

It was great seeing and reliving moments like the crash, Jack's live together - die alone speech, and seeing dead characters - alive again - like Boone, Shannon and Arzt.  These scenes made the episode enjoyable plus Nikki isn't bad on the eyes either.  The ongoing joke of Sawyer's "Who's Nikki?"  or "Who's Paulo?" didn't stop being funny at all.

The writers did decide to sneak one thing in - Charlie came clean about kidnapping Sun pretending to be the Others to get back at Locke.  Not sure how she retaliated towards Charlie besides walking away, but she smacked Sawyer for giving Charlie the idea and told him that she wasn't going to tell her husband because she wouldn't want to have another funeral.

In the end it was great that Nikki and Paulo only paralyzed each other with the Medusa spider and the Losties ending up burying them alive.  It was a very fitting end to two characters that added nothing to the show and thankfully I don't think the writers pull this stunt again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

S3: The Man from Tallahassee

Our first time at the Barracks is spent in the shade of darkness which is fitting since the overall theme of the episode was a very dark one.  Locke gets it in his head that he must blow up the submarine that the Others use to come and go off the island.  It's ironic that he blows it up moments before Jack and Juliet were going to leave the island on it.

Off island, Locke interacts with his father and we learn how Locke ends up in his wheelchair - by being thrown 8 stories out of a window by his father.  Devastated and crushed, Locke not only has lost a kidney but now has lost the use of his legs thanks to his father.

The icing on the cake of the episode is that Locke' father, the Man from Tallahassee, is somehow brought or finds his way onto the island before the screen goes to black.

S3: Par Avion

This Claire focused episode reminds us that there are some people still trying to get off the island this season while others are lost (no pun intended) in the mysteries of the island. 

Claire gets an idea to tie a note to a tagged seagull and hope that whomever did the tagging finds the note and will, in turn, find the Losties.  It's finally revealed to Claire by Desmond that if Charlie would have helped, he would have slipped on the rocks and died.  This marks the third time that Desmond has saved Charlie from his seemingly unescapable death.  Off island we learn that Claire's mother is in a coma and Christian, Jack's father, is also her father.

Speaking of Jack, the group that is looking for him finally finds him...tossing around the old pigskin with his captors.  The look of confusion on Kate (Locke, Sayid) is priceless.