Thursday, July 21, 2011

S2: The Hunting Party

Last time we got a Jack flashback episode he fixed his future wife's back.  Now we move forward in his timeline to see that he's working long hours, not being there for his wife, and he ends up losing her.  He also loses a patient.  Jack is not having a good day pre island and when we flash to the island he's not having any luck there either.

Michael has run off and Jack needs to fix the situation; he always needs something to fix something, that's his character, for better and for worse.  He, Locke and Sawyer don't find Michael, but the Others find him.  They tell him that this is their island and they better behave themselves if they want to continue to live on it.

Overall, I enjoyed getting more island lore, but it sucks to see Jack sad because when Jack is sad, I find that I'm sad.  When Jack is happy, I'm happy.  You invest so much time and energy into the story and the characters that it effects you personally and anyone that says different is either lying or not really paying attention.

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