Monday, June 6, 2011

S1: Solitary

Sayid gets his turn to shine in this episode that centers on his relationship with Nadia pre-island and his new "friendship" with the Frenchwoman, Rousseau.

What do we learn?  Well, we already know that Rousseau has been on the island for 16 years, and we learn that in that time she has killed all her science friends because they were "sick" and she is missing her child Alex.  She remains hidden from the "Others" on the island and she claims to hear their whispers in the jungle. 

I did find it weird that she didn't specify if Alex was a boy or girl, but maybe it hadn't been decided yet by the writing staff so they left it ambiguous, OR maybe they thought that the audience would assume that Alex is typically a boy's name and they intended to surprise us later on by revealing that Alex is, in fact, her daughter.

So we get a little island lore above, the mention of the "Black Rock", and of course, our character development of Sayid to show that he's not a monster, but he has a lot of heart.  He's a good man with a very bad job.  He does what his heart tells him and he saves Nadia, but to this day, he believes that she has been dead since it's been 7 years since he's seen her, yet he still holds onto her memory.  In the end, Rousseau finally lets Sayid go and he makes his way back to camp to tell the Losties his news.

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