Friday, October 21, 2011

S3: Enter 77

On island, the Losties are separated in two groups currently - the "beach group" and the "hunting for Jack group" which is comprised of Locke, Kate, Sayid and Rousseau.  The "beach group" are having fun with ping pong and Sawyer while the "hunting for Jack group" come upon the Dharma station "The Flame".  Inside they meet the man with the eye patch seen briefly on screen at "The Pearl" in an earlier episode.  After some conflict, we learn from Mikhail, the man with the eye patch, that "The Flame" is the communication station for the island, but the satellite doesn't work and hasn't worked for quite some time (he could be lying).  Also we hear from Mikhail that there was a "Purge" between the Dharma Initiative and the Hostiles, the Hostiles being the group of people that have been on the island for a "very long" time before the Dharma Initiative got there.  (This is probably the first time the word "Hostiles" is used and separates the "Others" into two groups.)
While Sayid is shot and not having a good day on island against Mikhail, flash backs are shown where Sayid spent some time in Paris after his service in the Republican Guard.  A woman he tortured recognized him and in turn, her husband decides to torture Sayid.  Later on, the woman sympathizes with Sayid, Sayid admits his guilt and will eventually be released.


Mikhail's cat's name is Nadia. 
Hurley schools Sawyer in ping pong and thankfully we don't have to watch the entire match.
Rousseau leaves the Losties temporary stating that she has survived as long as she has by avoiding situations such as these.
Not really a highlight, but we see Bea, the black woman that held Walt get shot and killed per her instructions by Mikhail.
The cat, Nadia, staring at Sayid as they leave "The Flame" tying it back the story about the cat and the woman he tortured while serving in the Republican Guard.