Monday, March 26, 2012

S6: LA X: Part 2

So what's going on at the Temple?  Why is it so safe?  So fortified?  There must be some important people there.  It turns out there really isn't.  These people seem more shady than any other group they have met thus far.  And now Sayid is a zombie?  It's funny when you have a certain image in your mind of a place, and then when you finally get to see it and it doesn't live up to the picture in your mind how disappointed you are.  But I guess the Temple is just like any other place on the island - it's not important at all.  Jacob's ankh, which also looked important, was just destroyed with no thought at all.

Elsewhere on the island, why is MIB/Locke stacking and organizing the dead bodies under the foot statue?  Then he knocks out Richard, saying that he looks good without chains, obviously foreshadowing to a past event we haven't seen.  So in other words, nothing on island is making sense and appears to just be setting up something more important to the plot.

Weaved into this episode were a cool moment between Locke and Jack at LAX.  Jack's father's body/coffin is missing.  Locke tells him that his body is lost, that they didn't lose his father.  Other than that, Kate escapes and is sharing a taxi with...da da da...Claire.  That was the biggest surprise for me since I forgot about that scene.  Hopefully we're done with LAX and we move on to quickly because this episode kind of sucked.

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