Tuesday, March 20, 2012

S5: The Incident: Part 2

And Season 5 ends with a bang or does it?  It's over and it felt like it just began yesterday.  What a great season!

In the greatest cock tease of television history, for the past couple of seasons, we've been hearing about this guy Jacob.  Who is he?  Where does he live?  How is he the leader?  So many questions!  Then when we finally get to see him, Ben kills him.  While that is happening, it's confirmed that Locke isn't really Locke.  So then who is he?  Jacob comments to fake Locke found his loop hole and the last person he said that to was the Man in Black.  Interesting.

Off island, Jacob is seen touching Jack and Locke and having a conversation with Hurley.  I believe that's all the flash backs their were.  The rest of the action was on island.

In 1977, Jack and Sawyer have a few words.  Eventually everyone decides to help Jack with the plan.  Shit hits the fan when the bomb doesn't go off when dropped down the hole where the drill is hitting the pocket.  All of sudden, a burst of electromagnetism kicks in, killing some and injuring others.  A chain wraps around Juliet, dragging her down the hole.  She wakes up and begins hitting the bomb with a rock and then we hear an explosion sound, a flash of white, and the episode ends.

Again, great episode and awesome end to the season.  There were a lot of questions answered and new ones introduced.  The writers did a great job tying everything together and making you think.  I'm a sucker for time travel, so I loved that element of the show a lot.  It was great having this season tie back to moments and characters of the past four seasons.  Now that I'm close to the end, my only hope is that I enjoy season 6 as much as I did season 5.  I remember being semi frustrated with it the first time, but I'm optimistic.

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