Tuesday, March 6, 2012

S5: This Place Is Death

There's some really bad things happening on the island.  The flashes are closer together and it seems that everyone's nose is bleeding save for Daniel, Locke and Jin.  Locke eventually makes it down to the donkey wheel.  With the instructions of Christian Shepard, he fixes the dislodgement which will hopefully stop the flashes.  Unfortunately, Charlotte dies but not without revealing info about herself and a future interaction (past for her) with Daniel.

Also on island, we see more of young Danielle Rousseau and her team as Jin watches them die.  It's no wonder why Rousseau is so messed up.  Only a few short hours after coming ashore, she sees a smoke monster, her friends turn on her, and she sees Jin disappear and reappear twice before finally running away and the island flashing again to a different time period.

Off island, Sun confronts Ben and Sayid and Kate bounce out.  Ben takes Sun and Jack to the church where Eloise Hawking is and it's revealed that she is the one that will help them get back to the island to help their friends.  Sun, now knowing her husband is alive, wants to go back.  Desmond also finds his way to the church, so that was pretty cool.

It's funny as I review Season 5, I step back and notice that the events of the episodes can be described as "on island" and "off island".  It reminds of Season 1, when each episode centered around the events of one person and the audience would see how the character was ON and OFF island.  This technique allowed the writers to have two storylines going at once, and it was great how the writers weaved both of them together to tell an awesome story.  The same thing is happening in Season 5 thus far.  While the people on the island are trying to solve the problem of time traveling and avoid death, the people off the island are trying to get back.  It's great that even though they both have different goals in mind, their stories still weave together for a very enjoyable experience.

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