Monday, March 12, 2012

S5: He's Our You

In this episode, we get to see more of what Sayid has been up to for the past three years off the island.  After working for Ben and killing everyone Ben told him to, they part ways and Sayid decides to do a sort of Habitat for Humanity type of business in South America.  Ben shows up to let him know that Locke is dead and Widmore has people watching Hurley at the mental institution.  So Ben, the puppet master, gets Sayid back in L.A. which connects the events that happened previously.  We also learn why he's in handcuffs and in custody on Ajira flight 316.  Seeing these connecting events was cool, just like in the Locke episode, but sad to say, it wasn't very enjoyable.  It was a lot of plot, needed plot for things to make sense and answer people's questions so it was good just in that aspect alone.

On island, nothing exciting happens.  Sayid is still prisoner.  Twelve year old Ben helps him escape after being tortured.  Someone from Dharma named Oldham did the torturing by making Sayid drop acid, I think?  Sayid spilled his guts and told the truth, but it sounded so ridiculous that no one believed him.  After escaping, Sayid runs into Jin, acquires a gun by force and shots young Ben and the episode ends.

Now when I first watched this episode, I think I gasped at Sayid's actions, but we know he can't die because he doesn't so it was a pretty big mind fuck, but at the same time after hearing and believeing what Daniel said in the past, whatever happened, happened and if Ben got shot, he must have gotten shot when he was young and didn't remember the traumatic experience.  Of course, this will all be semi explained later.

Reflecting on Sayid, I don't think he's a bad person.  None of the Losties are bad people, but they have done some bad things and they made some bad decisions.  At this point, I'm having trouble remember why Sayid was in Sydney in the first place.  I think he might have been undercover or something.  I also think he was on his way to L.A. to find Nadia because he was told that she was spotted there.  Unfortunately, he doesn't make it and then when he's finally reunited with her after being on the island for 100 days, she's murdered a few months later.  So life certainly sucks for him, but that didn't make him the way he is.  I don't know how he's able to do the things he does, maybe because it's in his nature like Ben said.  Maybe that's why they show that he's able to kill a chicken at such a young age when he brother couldn't do it.  Maybe some people are just born to kill even though they may not like that that is what they are good at.  Sayid has been very fun to watch and I don't remember where his story will go next this season, but I look forward to seeing where and hopefully there will be a little more heart attached to it.

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