Friday, March 9, 2012

S5: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

With episode "316" being focused on Jack, this episode's focus is on Locke.  We see that Locke ends up in Tunisia after moving the island just like Ben did.  This time, there appears to be cameras that alert Mr. Widmore of Locke's presence.  Mr. Widmore helps Locke by providing him with a fake identity, money, and Matthew Abaddon as his driver.  Locke visits Sayid, Hurley and Kate where he is unable to convince them to go back to the island.  He even stops to see how Walt is doing.  

After visiting his ex-girlfriend Helen's grave, Abaddon gets shot and Locke ends up in the hospital after getting in a car accident.  Fate or probability brings Locke face to face with Jack.  Unable to convince Jack, Locke decides to hang himself.  Ben comes to stop him and then kills him anyway and makes it look like a suicide.  And that was pretty much it.  It was interesting, but kind of dull.  It was cool getting some of the puzzles pieces to put the big picture together, but the overall picture seemed to get a little fuzzy with this episode, but that's the nature of Lost.

On island, we seem Locke alive and well, or so it seems.  Sun and Lapidus took off in a boat with the plane's manifest.  Lastly, we find that Ben is in the infirmary and Locke identifies him to Caesar as the man that killed him.  

Note:  Caesar and Ilana appear to know each other and Caesar almost appears to be in charge if that makes any sense, which it doesn't right now, but I believe it will make more sense very soon.

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