Sunday, March 11, 2012

S5: Namaste

James Sawyer aka LeFleur is a no bullshit, take charge kind of man.  Without Jack fighting him on every issue, he has lived happily with the Dharma Initiative for the past three years.  Now shit has hit the fan.  With quick thinking, Sawyer disguises Jack, Kate and Hurley as new recruits, Juliet amends the sub manifest, and with Sayid's life in danger as a supposed hostile, Sawyer moves him to the barracks where, for the time being, he is safe.  On island, but 30 years in the future, Sun and Lapidus head to the main island to look for Jin.  They hear the smoke monster and run into Christian at the old Dharma town.  He shows them a picture of Jack, Kate, and Hurley in the Dharma Initiative in 1977 and tells them they have a lot of work to do.

There are no off island flashes, unless you count the scene in the beginning showing Lapidus successfully landing the plane after the bright flash.  Most of the action took place between 1977 (the past) and 2007 (the present).

It was cool seeing Pierre Chang introduce himself to Jack.  In all the Dharma training videos viewed in 2004 when the Losties first crashed on the island, he went by the name Wick or Candle.

The best scene of the episode was between Jack and Sawyer.  After the dust had settled on the crazy day, Jack went to Saywer's house and gave him crap about reading a book and not having a plan.  Sawyer shoved the fact that he got a lot of people killed in the past and that his ability to sit down, read and help him think allowed him to solve all the problems of the day.  He really put Jack in place and Jack kind of just laughed it off and left semi defeated but relieved because, for the time, people weren't looking to him at the leader.

The Sayid and young Ben scene ended off the episode.  It wasn't anything special, but that scene and a lot of other scenes in this episode laid the ground work for more exciting and interesting future events.

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