Tuesday, April 3, 2012

S6: Recon

Now that the beach crew has assembled, it's time for Locke's crew to do the same.  Locke returns from the Temple to meet up with Sawyer and Jin who appear to have been staying at Claire's home make of sticks.  They proceed to a clearing where they make camp and Locke sends Sawyer on a recon mission to Hydra island.  Sawyer finds that Widmore is setting up a stronghold against the Smoke Monster and works a deal with Sawyer to bring Locke/MIB over and trap him in exchange for safe passage off the island for him and his friends.  Sawyer later reveals to Kate that he plans to pit Widmore and Locke against each other, and steal Widmore's sub.  Good plan, Sawyer!  Hope the sub captain is around when you hijack it.

While island Sawyer is not making the smartest moves, neither is flash sideways Sawyer.  His sideways self is a cop rather than a criminal, but he's still has the same obsession with hunting down the man named Sawyer who caused the murder-suicide with his parents and he plans on killing Sawyer once he finds him.  He even gets a chance with Charlotte but blows it over his obsession.

While this episode was a little fun and a little insightful, overall I wasn't very entertained.  I didn't like the Zoe character, but it was cool to see that everyone else that came in on the Ajira flight was dead, probably killed by the Smoke Monster.

One scene of note was between Locke/MIB and Kate.  He was explaining that he had a crazy mother and he had some growing pains.  He was comparing his mother to Claire.  It was pretty interesting watching this scene knowing that he was actually telling the truth and not just messing with Kate in an attempt to possibly manipulate her like he has everyone else, but in the end that's what he's doing.  As he says earlier in the episode to Sawyer, it's either kill or be killed and he has no intention of dying, but to escape the island once and for all.

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