Monday, April 9, 2012

S6: The Last Recruit

Now that the everyone is back together again, save for Jin, it's time to do something, right?  Well, it appears not.

Locke/MIB chats with Jack and reveals that he took the form of his dead father to help him.  Jack and Claire get to chat, but I don't remember it being anything significant even after watching it only a few hours ago.  Unfortunately, these scenes don't hold a lot of water on second watch.

They get back to the camp, and Zoe shows up demanding Desmond then she demonstrates what they are capable of and orders an airstrike that I assume is coming from the sub.  NOW that Locke/MIB's hand is forced, he decides to put his plan into action.  Sawyer decides to put his own plan into action too.

In the end, Locke/MIB and Jack are together.  Sayid is around somewhere after supposedly killing Desmond in cold blood, but that wasn't shown, so Desmond was probably able to convince Sayid not to kill him.  The Losties and Lapidus take Desmond's boat to Hydra island, Sun and Jin are finally reunited in a brief but touching scene where Sun remembers how to speak English again, and Zoe, per Widmore says to Sawyer that the deal is off, and they are ordered to kneel in the sand as another airstrike is ordered on Locke/MIB and his people.  (Let's not forget that Ben, Miles and Richard should be popping up again soon, I don't remember but maybe that's why Widmore/Zoe is not happy.  Or maybe it's because Sawyer was supposed to bring Locke with him.)

In the flash sideways world, we see a little of everyone starting to cross paths.  Jack meets Claire for the first time and has to do to surgery where he recognizes Locke from the airport.  Sawyer questions Kate and later arrests Sayid.  Desmond is shown interacting with Claire to help push her in the right direction and Ilana gets a cameo.  Also, Sun wakes up after being shot and she and Jin talk.  There is a brief moment earlier when Sun is getting wheeled into the hospital and she freaks when she sees Locke being wheeled in also.  So a lot of good connections being made, which I enjoyed, but it only felt like chess pieces being put into place, just like on the island.  Just when you think something is going to happen to move the plot along, it appears to crawl more than run or even walk.

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