Friday, April 6, 2012

S6: Happily Ever After

Now that "the package" aka Desmond  has been revealed, it's time for Mr. Widmore to bombard him with electromagnetism.  Why?  It's not revealed, but it's a test that if he passes will result in him being able to save the world from the MIB.

The by product of the test is that Desmond is shown to almost be transported to the flash sideways timeline.  There he has money, power, respected by Widmore, and appears to be happy.  But as fate would have it, Desmond meets Charlie and Daniel who talk about love.  Later on, Desmond meets Penny face to face and falls in love at first sight.

Then he "wakes up".  He's back in the present, but there's something different about him.  His eyes have been opened.  He was only unconscious for a few seconds, but now his mind can travel back and forth between reality and the flash sideways reality.

Desmond episodes have always been pretty great since he is someone that is outside the whole Oceanic 815 story, but very much tied to the island.  He's not a candidate.  He wasn't brought to the island.  He doesn't care who Jacob is or was.  He is a man, who wanted the approval of a father of a woman he loved who wouldn't give it to him.  In trying to prove himself, he ends up where he needs to be and ultimately ends up with Penny again and realizes that he doesn't need her father's approval to be happy.  So hopefully, in the end, Desmond does get to live happily ever after.

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