Monday, April 16, 2012

S6: The End


Tonight I watched the first 40 minutes of the last episode.  I figured that I could get two good workouts, shower and watch the remaining finale relaxed because I know I'm going to be a mess, at least I was the second time I watched it.  It really didn't hit home the first time I watched it with my friends at my LOST finale party almost a full two years ago, but I watched it a second time a day or two later and it really got me worked up, especially the end scene.

In the first 40 minutes, the episode started out great showing where every important character is on the island and where they are in their flash sideways while beautiful music played.  Juliet made her first appearance in the flash sideways which opened Sun and Jin's eyes during their baby's sonogram.  It was a really touching scene.  The only other attempt at a touching scene was Sayid and Shannon, but it really didn't do anything for me probably because the show has been mostly focusing on Sayid and Nadia.  Maybe if Shannon's character got some more development, maybe I would have felt different.  But it looks like there are going to be some key scenes at the hospital and the imminent party that is happening at the Widmore residence.  I look forward to those on my next workout.

On island, everyone meets up at the Source, save for Richard, Miles and Lapidus who are on Hydra island planning to escape the island via the plane.  Claire appears out of no where and decides she doesn't want to go with them.  But anyway, at the Source, the MIB plans to sink the island using Desmond and Jack plans on using Desmond to kill the MIB.  Both of them lower Desmond into the Source, which is very reminiscent of the Hatch scene.  Even the MIB comments on that fact and Jack and him have a few words.  I'm definitely looking forward to the events that are about to transpire between the MIB and Jack.

To be concluded...


As it turns out, I watched 30 more minutes tonight and realized that there was enough time to get one more work out in so that's what I'm going to do.  There was a lot of cool stuff that happened in that half hour.

On island, Desmond removed a giant rock at the Source, and the light went out and steam came shooting out for the hole where the rock was.  All hell was breaking loose, but it turned out that one byproduct of Desmond's actions, besides the destruction of the island, was the mortality of the Smoke Monster.  An epic fight ensued between Jack and Locke/MIB.  The MIB mortally wounded Jack and before he could finish Jack off, Kate showed up and shot the MIB.  Jack kicked him off the cliff, finishing him off for good.  Things seemed better for a moment, but the island started shaking again.  Jack decided he need to go turn on whatever Desmond turned off.  Hurley and Ben went with him.  Kate and Jack had a heartfelt goodbye, then she and Sawyer headed to Hydra island via Desmond's boat.  She was determined and had Jack's support to get Claire off the island.  Lapidus, Richard, and Miles continued to work hard to get the plane fixed so they could get off the island once and for all.

Off island, in the flash sideways, we had greats things happening at two places, the concert and the hospital.  At the concert, Claire had her baby and in those ensuring moments, Kate, Claire and Charlie's eyes were opened.  At the hospital when Locke began to move his foot after surgery, his eyes opened too.  And last, but certainly not least, Sawyer and Juliet ran into each other and their eyes were opened as well.  Juliet repeated some of her dialogue from the first episode of this season which was great as it tied it all together nicely.

To be concluded...for real this time...


And in the final half hour of LOST, the only person whose eyes have not been opened are Jack's.  On island, he made it back to the Source, saved Desmond and put the rock back into place which turned the light back on.  The island stopped rumbling.  Moments before, the plane took off with Claire, Kate, Miles, Sawyer, Richard and Lapidus.  As they flew overhead, Jack laid on his back in the bamboo field, saw the plane and smiled as Vincent laid next to him as his eyes closed for the last time.  Great moment and great final scene.  I loved that he didn't die alone.

In the flash sideways, it was revealed that the flash sideways world was pretty much a place the Losties created to meet so eventually they could all move on together.  So, in other words, it was purgatory.  When Kate touched Jack's face images flashed in his head, but he didn't accept it.  He wasn't ready to let go.  Later on when Jack touched his father's casket more images flashed and still he remained confused.  Thankfully, his father appeared to explain to him (and the audience) what was going on.  Jack came to grips that he was dead, hugged the rest of his friends in the church and then it was filled with light.

Overall, I really enjoyed the way the flash sideways were intertwined with the events on the island in the finale.  It was very well done.  The writers did a fantastic job with the finale and with the entire series.  There was some gold mixed with bronze and silver, but the series as a whole was very enjoyable on second watch.

Hats off to the people in charge of the music.  It was perfect.  Knowing when to use the powerful music that played during the emotional reuniting scenes, and then having it perfectly silent when Jack and his father spoke to each other was great and whomever's job it was to make those choices knew what they were doing.  It's hard to think of a scene that was poorly scored - I can't think of one.

I'm going to let the finale and the entire series settle and I plan on coming back to post one last blog entry on my entire experience.  In case that I don't, it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - there are VERY few complete series that are worth the time and energy to watch once, let alone twice.  LOST is one of those series that I see myself revisiting at least 1 or 2 more times in my lifetime.  I loved "The Shield" and I tried starting that up again, and I found it difficult to continue with it.  Once I finally got over the hump of some the Season 3 episodes of LOST, the rest of it seemed like a fun down hill ride.  Until next time, I'll see ya in anotha life, brotha!

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