Thursday, February 23, 2012

S5: Because You Left

I really enjoyed this episode.  I forgot how much of a cluster fuck Season 5 was and the premiere does not disappoint.  The episode jumps through time, giving small clues of "when" the Losties are.  So not only is the episode connecting to events in the past, but it's also connecting to events in the future, events that I have retained from my first watch, making this episode very enjoyable and not as frustrating as it was the first time, albeit a fun kind of frustrating that spawned ideas and conversations among my friends until the next episode aired.

A lot was establish that is important to remember so one can enjoy the rest of Season 5 and not be bad frustrated.  You can't change the past.  Whatever happened, happened.  If you try you will fail, because you did fail, if you had succeeded, you would have remembered because it would have happened.

We are told that bad things are going to start to happen and supposedly it's because Jack and his friends left, but at this time, I'm not seeing the connection.  Even if Jack didn't leave and Ben still moved the island, bad things would have happened regardless.  I'll have to keep an eye out if any bad things could have been avoided if Jack was there, but nothing comes to mind as of yet.  Hopefully something will stand out, but maybe it's as simple as if Jack stayed then maybe Locke would not have had to die to get him to come back, but if he hadn't, how would Jack eventually reach his destiny.  A topic for another time maybe.

It was great seeing Desmond being tapped in the end because I forgot how he gets back involved especially when he should be done with it all.  I enjoyed all the off island scenes that are going to eventually bring all the Oceanic 6 back together.  I'm very looking forward to the rest of the season thanks to the premiere.

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